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- To: info-macl@cambridge.apple.com
- From: d34676@tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Akira KURIHARA)
- Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 04:17:01+0900
Dear Lisper,
The function isqrt of MACL is extremely slow for extremely big integers.
Please, try and feel the followings.
(defun my-isqrt (n &aux n-len init-value iterated-value)
"argument n must be a non-negative integer"
((> n 24) ; theoretically (> n 0) ,i.e., n-len > 0
(setq n-len (integer-length n))
(if (evenp n-len)
(setq init-value (ash 1 (ash n-len -1)))
(setq init-value (ash 2 (ash n-len -1))))
(setq iterated-value (ash (+ init-value (floor n init-value)) -1))
(if (not (< iterated-value init-value))
(return init-value)
(setq init-value iterated-value))))
((> n 15) 4)
((> n 8) 3)
((> n 3) 2)
((> n 0) 1)
((> n -1) 0)
(t nil)))
(defun my-isqrt-big (n &aux n-len-quarter n-half n-half-isqrt
init-value iterated-value)
"argument n must be a non-negative integer"
((> n 24) ; theoretically (> n 7) ,i.e., n-len-quarter > 0
(setq n-len-quarter (ash (integer-length n) -2))
(setq n-half (ash n (- (ash n-len-quarter 1))))
(setq n-half-isqrt (my-isqrt-big n-half))
(setq init-value (ash (1+ n-half-isqrt) n-len-quarter))
(setq iterated-value (ash (+ init-value (floor n init-value)) -1))
(if (not (< iterated-value init-value))
(return init-value)
(setq init-value iterated-value))))
((> n 15) 4)
((> n 8) 3)
((> n 3) 2)
((> n 0) 1)
((> n -1) 0)
(t nil)))
(setq x (+ (expt 3 3333) 333333333))
(time (my-isqrt x))
(time (my-isqrt-big x))
(time (isqrt x))
Akira Kurihara
School of Mathematics
Japan Women's University
Mejirodai 2-8-1, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 112
03-943-3131 ext-7243