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Re: mailing list -> UseNet newsgroup. Survey results.

|You can add me to the list of people who strongly prefer to have the
|group remain as a mail based group.  No one has mentioned that one
|advantage of mail is that if you are away for a while at least your mail
|is still sitting waiting for you when you get back.  With a newsgroup
|you have to do a lot of screwing around to find some site with an
|archive (since most newsgroups are cleaned up at least once a week).
|As you can tell I am catching up on my mail after having been away.
    -  mail overload is a daily inconvenience to everyone. Having to
get old stuff out of an archive, after you've been on holidays,
happens so many times a year. Weigh up the inconvenience.

  Anyway, the proposal is to have both mail and newsgroup operating
simultaneously. I can see advantages to both approaches. But for me,
my regular mail is swamped out by MACL messages, only one in 10 being
of any interest. More importantly, I value the  service such that I
can ask questions when I hit bugs. And a newsgroup, which is only
there when I want it to be, is better for this purpose.

Mick O'Donnell