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Re: Continuing education

> From: Michael D Young <myoung@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
> Subject: Continuing education
> To: info-macl@cambridge.apple.com (Macintosh Common Lisp Bulletin Board)
> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 92 13:17:35 EST
> Cc: myoung@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Michael D Young)
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
> All,
> I originally purchased MCL to write a  small system for use in my dissertation,
>  and as far as that goes MCL is a success. However, I am really a novice progra
> mmer/Lisper and I have an introductory LISP course under my belt which gets me
> about as far as defstruct. No additional courses are available to me at OSU.
> Does anyone provide seminars/summer programs that focus on LISP/CLOS/MCL?
> I would be willing to travel to attend such a program and even pay fees (both w
> ithin reason).
> Any suggestions? ( I would prefer a course, I have several good books but a boo
> k can only help so much. )
> Thanks in advance,
>      Michael Young

The Lisp User's & Vendors  conference [LUV 93] will be in Cambridge, USA
Aug 9 -> 13, 93
Usually there are tutorials but they aren't necessarily about basic Common Lisp.
Last year there were tutorials about CLIM, Error Handling. etc.
Most of what you need to know to program in Lisp is not basic lisp but
about peripheral pieces of software [like window systems], effective use of tools 
like an editor, inspector, stepper, and, esp if you want to write a big program, 
strategy for managing complexity.

Paradigms of AI by Peter Norvig is huge and good, though it doesn't talk about
tools much, probably because they are CL-implementation dependent.