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Re: AppleEvent to a remote a
- To: Herve.Blanchon@imag.fr
- Subject: Re: AppleEvent to a remote a
- From: "Andre Koehorst" <andre_koehorst@riks.nl>
- Date: 15 Dec 93 09:35:32 U
- Cc: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
Reply to: RE>AppleEvent to a remote appl
Guess this one should get into the FAQ.
Some tim eago the same question was asked by Eric Shafto and before that by
Derek White did send me some code that does that exactly. Below you'll find
what we use now, not the original. It works fine for us but we've had some
problems. For one machine in our
LAN, a quadra 950, the application name was not recognized. Haven't found the
cause of that.
Hope this works for you and thanks again Derek,
Andre Koehorst
(in-package ccl)
(require "Appleevent-Toolkit")
(require "Eval-Server")
(defvar $local-target-name "Local")
(defconstant $your-ppc-type-name "CCL2ep01") ; where CCL2 is your creator type?
(defun parse-zone-str (str &key (default-type-string "PPCToolbox"))
(let ((start-type (position #\: str))
(start-zone (position #\@ str)))
(assert start-zone)
(subseq str 0 (or start-type
(if start-type
(subseq str (1+ start-type) (if start-zone
(length str)))
(subseq str (1+ start-zone) (length str)))))
(defun target-string-target-id (target-string target-id)
(assert (and (macptrp target-id) ; really needs to be a ptr not a handle
(stringp target-string)))
(if (string= target-string $local-target-name)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.locationKindSelector)
(multiple-value-bind (object-str type-str zone-str)
(parse-zone-str target-string)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.locationKindSelector)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.NBPEntity.ObjStr)
(when type-str
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.NBPEntity.TypeStr)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.NBPEntity.ZoneStr)
(defun app-str-port-info (app-str port-info)
(assert (and (stringp app-str)
(macptrp port-info)))
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.nameScript) #$smRoman)
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.name) app-str)
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.PortKindSelector) #$ppcByString)
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.PortTypeStr) $your-ppc-type-name))
(defun choose-AE-target-with-defaults (the-desc
&key prompt title
(rlet ((port-info :PortInfoRec)
(target-id :TargetID))
(when (and default-target-str default-app-str)
(target-string-target-id default-target-str target-ID) ; fill in
(app-str-port-info default-app-str port-info))
:prompt prompt :title title
:location-name-record (pref target-id TargetID.location)
:port-info-record port-info
:default-specified (and default-target-str default-app-str))
(setf (pref target-id TargetID.name) (pref port-info PortInfoRec.name))
(ae-error (#_AECreateDesc #$typeTargetID target-id
#.(record-length :TargetID) the-desc))
(defun remote-send-dosc-with-PPC (command-string machine-name program-name)
(with-aedescs (appleevent reply target)
(choose-AE-target-with-defaults target :default-target-str machine-name
:default-app-str program-name)
(create-dosc appleevent target command-string)
(send-appleevent appleevent reply :reply-mode :wait-reply)
(ae-get-parameter-char reply #$keyDirectObject nil)))
(defun create-appleevent-target (the-desc target-str app-str)
(rlet ((port-info :PortInfoRec)
(target-id :TargetID))
(when (and target-str app-str)
(target-string-target-id target-str target-ID) ; fill in target-id
(app-str-port-info app-str port-info))
(setf (pref target-id TargetID.name) (pref port-info PortInfoRec.name))
(ae-error (#_AECreateDesc #$typeTargetID target-id
#.(record-length :TargetID) the-desc))
(defun remote-send-dosc (command-string machine-name program-name)
(with-aedescs (appleevent reply target)
(create-appleevent-target target machine-name program-name)
(create-dosc appleevent target command-string)
(send-appleevent appleevent reply :reply-mode :wait-reply)
(ae-get-parameter-char reply #$keyDirectObject nil)))
(parse-zone-str "Peter@EtherTalk2")
(parse-zone-str "Peter:PPCToolBox@EtherTalk2")
(remote-send-dosc-with-PPC "(format t \"Howdydooditime\")" "Peter@EtherTalk2"
"MCL 2.0")
(remote-send-dosc "(play-snd \"Wild Eep\")" "John's Mac:PPCToolBox@EtherTalk2"
"MCL 2.0")
(remote-send-dosc "go card 2" "bram:PPCToolBox@EtherTalk2" "Hypercard")
(remote-send-dosc-with-PPC "go card 2" "bram:PPCToolBox@EtherTalk2"
Date: 12/14/93 11:18 PM
To: Andre Koehorst
From: Herve Blanchon
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Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 22:12:57 +0100
To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
From: Herve.Blanchon@imag.fr (Herve Blanchon)
Subject: AppleEvent to a remote application
Dear MCLers and AppleEvents Hackers,
I want to send an apple event to an application running on an other machine.
I am connected to the machine under the possessor name and can link
I would like to be able to send the AEvent without showing the user the
With the appleevent-toolkit.lisp, I have not been able to perform such a task.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Herve Blanchon
GETA, IMAG-campus, BP 53 Tel: +33.7651-4369 Herve.Blanchon@imag.fr
150, rue de la Chimie Fax: +33.7651-4405
38041 Grenoble Cedex 9