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MCL/Shared Library Mgr. query
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: MCL/Shared Library Mgr. query
- Date: 27 Feb 1994 14:42:40 -0500 (EST)
As one of the hordes of users disappointed in Apple's plans for
MCL, one transition strategy might be to use the shared library
manager as a way of integrating native PPC code into MCL. The
shared library manager has other uses as well (it is the
recommended way to attach SNMP agents...).
If we can get this to work we'd be glad to post it... but we
haven't quite gotten there yet. The code below only gets us
to MacsBug on a 68040 machine (it might be even faster on a
PPC machine :-).
Suggestions welcomed...
Sean Doyle
;;; Hacking of the ASLM (Shared Library Manager)
;;; [Code written by Hai Wang]
(defconstant kCurrentZone 4) ; See file "LibraryManager.h"
(defconstant kNormalMemory 1) ; See file "LibraryManager.h"
(defparameter *c-libraries*
'("KSQ402:MPW Folder:Libraries:Libraries:Interface.o"
"KSQ402:MPW Folder:Libraries:CLibraries:StdCLib.o"
(defparameter *aslm-libraries*
'("KSQ402:MPW Folder:Libraries:Libraries:LibraryManager.o"
"KSQ402:MPW Folder:Libraries:Libraries:LibraryManager.n.o"
(ff-load '("KSQ402:MPW Folder:Libraries:Libraries:LibraryManager.o"
:ffenv-name 'aslm
:entry-names '("InitLibraryManager"
:libraries *c-libraries*)
(ff-load '("KSQ402:Desktop Folder:CSample:Objects:SampleLibrary6.cl.o")
:ffenv-name 'sample-lib
:libraries *aslm-libraries*
(deffcfun (@InitLibraryManager "InitLibraryManager")
((fixnum :long) (fixnum :long) (fixnum :long)) :long)
(@InitLibraryManager 0 kCurrentZone kNormalMemory)
When excuting the above function, Macsbug came up.
Address error at 007DE5E4
while fetching instructions from 007DE5E5 and 007DE5E7
The current instructions are as the following. Note the first instruction.
It jumps to an odd address.
Disassembling from 007DE5E4
No procedure name
007DE5E4 *JSR *+$0001 ; 007DE5E5 | 4EBA FFFF
007DE5E8 DC.W $FEDA ; ???? | FEDA
007DE5EA TST.B D0 | 4A00
007DE5EC BNE.S *+$000A ; 007DE5F6 | 6608
007DE5EE MOVE.W #$F3C4,D7 | 3E3C F3C4
007DE5F2 BRA *+$0098 ; 007DE68A | 6000 0096
007DE5F6 MOVEA.L A3,A0 | 204B
007DE5F8 LEA *+$000A,A1 ; 007DE602 | 43FA 0008
007DE5FC MOVEM.L D2-D7/A1-A4/A6/A7,(A0) | 48D0 DEFC
007DE600 MOVEQ #$00,D0 | 7000
007DE602 TST.L D0 | 4A80
007DE604 BNE.S *+$007E ; 007DE682 | 667C
007DE606 MOVEA.L ExpandMem,A0 | 2078 02B6
007DE60A MOVEA.L $010C(A0),A0 | 2068 010C
007DE60E MOVEA.L $0010(A0),A4 | 2868 0010
007DE612 MOVE.L $0010(A6),-(A7) | 2F2E 0010
007DE616 MOVE.L $000C(A6),-(A7) | 2F2E 000C
007DE61A MOVE.L $0008(A6),-(A7) | 2F2E 0008
007DE61E MOVE.L A3,-(A7) | 2F0B
007DE626 MOVE.L A4,-(A7) | 2F0C
007DE628 MOVEA.L (A4),A0 | 2054
007DE62A MOVEA.L $006C(A0),A1 | 2268 006C
007DE62E JSR (A1) | 4E91
007DE630 MOVE.W D0,D7 | 3E00
007DE632 LEA $0018(A7),A7 | 4FEF 0018
007DE636 BNE.S *+$0054 ; 007DE68A | 6652
007DE638 JSR *+$0001 ; 007DE639 | 4EBA FFFF
007DE63C DC.W $FF1A ; ???? | FF1A
007DE63E MOVEA.L D0,A0 | 2040
007DE640 TST.L (A0) | 4A90
007DE642 BNE.S *+$0048 ; 007DE68A | 6646
007DE644 MOVE.L A5,D0 | 200D
007DE646 CMP.L CurrentA5,D0 | B0B8 0904
007DE64A BNE.S *+$0040 ; 007DE68A | 663E
007DE64C MOVEA.L ExpandMem,A0 | 2078 02B6
007DE650 MOVEA.L $010C(A0),A0 | 2068 010C
007DE654 MOVEQ #$00,D0 | 7000
007DE656 MOVE.L D0,$000C(A0) | 2140 000C
007DE65A JSR *+$0001 ; 007DE65B | 4EBA FFFF
007DE65E DC.W $FDBA ; ???? | FDBA
007DE660 MOVEQ #$00,D0 | 7000
007DE662 MOVE.L D0,-(A7) | 2F00
007DE664 PEA *+$0001 ; 007DE665 | 487A FFFF
007DE668 DC.W $FDBC ; ???? | FDBC
007DE66A MOVE.L #$FFFFA9F4,-(A7) | 2F3C FFFF A9F4
007DE670 JSR *+$0001 ; 007DE671 | 4EBA FFFF
007DE674 DC.W $FC66 ; ???? | FC66
007DE67C LEA $000C(A7),A7 | 4FEF 000C
007DE680 BRA.S *+$000A ; 007DE68A | 6008
007DE682 JSR *+$0002 ; 007DE684 | 4EBA 0000
007DE686 ORI.B #$A9F4,(A2) | 0012 A9F4
007DE68A MOVE.W D7,D0 | 3007
007DE68C MOVEM.L -$003C(A6),D7/A3/A4 | 4CEE 1880 FFC4
007DE692 UNLK A6 | 4E5E
007DE694 RTS | 4E75
007DE696 LINK A6,#$0000 | 4E56 0000
007DE69A MOVEM.L D7/A4,-(A7) | 48E7 0108
007DE69E CLR.B D7 | 4207
007DE6A0 JSR *+$0001 ; 007DE6A1 | 4EBA FFFF
007DE6A4 DC.W $FEF4 ; ???? | FEF4
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr Caller
0114F24C 40811842 _vFileReal
0114F234 011561B4 01234567+3724
0114F20C 40836064 _DisposeRgn+0004
Calling chain using A6 links
A6 Frame Caller
top level 011561B4 01234567+3724