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Re: A Dylan implemented on Common Lisp

In article <3jdh0j$ib4@news.internex.net>,
yost@rclsgi.eng.ohio-state.edu (Dave Yost) writes:
>> It would seem to me to be a very worthy university project to
>> build a portable Dylan implementation on top of Common Lisp.
>> Would someone please do it?

This may be common knowledge to others, and slightly off-the-mark from
the aim of this thread, but here's a snippet from one of Digitool's WWW
pages (http://www.digitool.com/MCL-best-secret.html):

> MCL (Macintosh Common Lisp), a best kept secret
> [stuff deleted]
> Some of the most exciting new software products are developed in MCL.
> These include Dylan, the new programming language, and SK8 ("HyperCard
> done right!").


Dick Jackson     djackson@ibd.nrc.ca     Institute for Biodiagnostics
Opinions are mine alone.   National Research Council Canada, Winnipeg
   "And I told him my dream was to live for all time
      In some perfect refrain, like the man who wrote 'Danny Boy'." 
        - Joe Jackson, from the album _Night_Music_, 1994.