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CL Help Wanted

Apologies if this is out of order for this forum, but...

We are a little software house down here in fashionable Tribecca, NYC doing
some pretty neat commercial development (well, it makes *my* head spin anyway)
and we have room for a full time CLer or a couple of part time (20 hrs/wk) CL
student hackers with the possibility of summer/full-time down the road.

I'll be running an ad in the NYTimes *next* Sunday (5/19) but I also thought
the Internet might be a good place to track down candidates.

Our fax is: 212-431-3782, or of course I am here on CIS at 71460,744.

Also, I gather more than a few higher-academicians hang out here. Could someone
tell me the best way to approach local university Computer Science departments?
A letter to the Dept Chair? Stop by and stick up a notice on the bulletin
board? A letter to all CompSci faculty? An ad in the student paper?


Ken Tilton
Missing Link Software