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Re: limited number of items in table-sequence ????

> Just about right. MCL's table-dialog-item is based on the Macintosh
> list manager which, as I remember, limits the size of lists to 4096
> entries.

> The inspector handles sequences of any length. It's possible that you
> can save yourself some work by basing your new sequence-dialog-item on
> inspector::inspector-view. In 20/20 hindsight, I would have done better
> to write a table-dialog-item that didn't depend on the Macintosh list
> manager and then implement the Inspector on top of that, but I didn't
> realize that when I wrote the Inspector.

I ran into the same problem weeks ago.  However, the problem appeared 

to have not to do with a 4096 entries-list-manager limit, but with
the point-datatype that the routines in ccl:lib;srollers.lsip are based 

on.  We ended up defining our own class that caches lines in a hashtable
and does all the vertical drawing on its own, but relies on the standard
set-view-scroll-position mechanism for horizontal scrolling, since
we only needed one-dimensional lists.  It is quite zippy (way faster 

than table-dialog-item) now while adhering as much as possible to the
standard protocol.

i can send you the code, if you are interested.