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Re: limited number of items in table-sequence ????

[Mathieu Lafourcade:  forget the code i sent to you yesterday!  I went
 trough the trouble of making it self-contained--here it is:]

> > We ended up defining our own class that caches lines in a hashtable
> >and does all the vertical drawing on its own, but relies on the standard
> >set-view-scroll-position mechanism for horizontal scrolling, since
> >we only needed one-dimensional lists.  It is quite zippy (way faster
> >
> >than table-dialog-item) now while adhering as much as possible to the
> >standard protocol.
> >
> >i can send you the code, if you are interested.

> I'd be interested too.

> Thanks very much

> --Dave

Hope this helps. there is a little example at the bottom of the file.

;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Copyright (c) 1995 Heinrich Taube and Tobias Kunze.  All rights
;;; reserved. Use and copying of this software and preparation of
;;; derivative works based upon this software are permitted and may be
;;; copied as long as no fees or compensation are charged for use, 

;;; copying, or accessing this software and all copies of this software
;;; include this copyright notice.
;;; **********************************************************************

;;; Note:

;;; this is code designed to be part of the ``CommonMusic'' composition
;;; environment, written by Rick Taube.  i made it into a stand-alone 

;;; package for demonstrational purposes only. 

;;; and, yes: don't expect bug-free code!

(defpackage test (:use :common-lisp))

(in-package :test)

(ccl:require 'scrollers)

;;; various definitions used by sequence-view

(defmacro xy (x y) `(ccl:make-point ,x ,y))
(defmacro xy-x (xy) `(ccl:point-h ,xy))
(defmacro xy-y (xy) `(ccl:point-v ,xy))
(defmacro xy+ (xy1 xy2) `(ccl:add-points ,xy1 ,xy2))
(defmacro xy- (xy1 xy2) `(ccl:subtract-points ,xy1 ,xy2))
(defmacro xyinc (xy dx dy)
  `(ccl:add-points ,xy (ccl:make-point ,dx ,dy)))
(defmacro xy= (xy1 xy2) `(= ,xy1 ,xy2))

(defmacro view-height (view)
  `(ccl:point-v (ccl:view-size ,view)))

(defun make-font (&key name size face mode
                       (defaults '( "Geneva" 10 :plain :srcor)))
  (let ((new (or (copy-list defaults) (make-list 4))))
    (when name (setf (first new) name))
    (when size (setf (second new) size))
    (when mode (setf (third new) mode))
    (when face (setf (fourth new) face))

(defparameter *listing-font* (make-font :name "Courier" :size 10))

(defun font-height (&optional font)
  ;; why dont they define this?
  (multiple-value-bind (a d m l) (ccl:font-info font)
    (values (+ a d l) a d l m)))

(defun string-extent (string font &optional extra)
  (let ((w (ccl:string-width string font))
        (h (font-height font)))
    (if extra (xy+ (xy w h) extra) (xy w h))))

(defun canonicalize-point-args (prefer &optional h v)
  (ecase prefer
    (:point (if (and h v)
              (xy h v)
    (:values (when (and h (not v))
               (setf v (xy-y h)
                     h (xy-x h)))
             (values h v))))


;;; sequence-view

;;; sequence-view allows for arbitrary vertical scrolling.
;;;   - visible is a cons cell holding the index of the first and
;;;     and last visible entry  

;;;   - view-size is maintained by mcl and equals the view size
;;;     minus scroll bars
;;;   - view-area is the actual used size of the pane, that is,
;;;     view-size + (xy-x scroll-position)
;;;   - cell-size is (xy maximum-estimated-width font-height)
;;; Actual drawing takes place within cells and is clipped to
;;; call-size _and_ frame-size;  highlighting, however, always  

;;; extends horizontally to the vertical scroll bar.
;;; Horizontal scrolling operates as expected (ie, by shifting 

;;; the image); vertical scrolling passes control and responsibility
;;; of drawing to the program.  The vertical scroll bar is set to 

;;; the maximum resolution of #x7fff--<current-position>/#x7fff then 

;;; translates to the a number x/(<nr-of-cells> - <displayable-cells>)

(defconstant +scroll-bar-max+ #x7fff)

(defclass sequence-view (ccl::scroller)
  ((length :initform 0 :accessor sequence-length)
   (sequence :initform nil :initarg :table-sequence 

             :accessor table-sequence)
   (selected :accessor listing-selected :accessor sequence-selected)
   (nselected :initform 0 :accessor sequence-nselected)
   (visible :accessor sequence-visible)
   (cell-size :initarg :cell-size :initform nil
              :accessor sequence-cell-size)
   (view-area :initform 0)
   (last-selected-cell :initform nil :accessor last-selected-cell)))

(defmacro key-arg (key arglist)
  `(cadr (member ,key ,arglist)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((view sequence-view) &rest args)
  (let ((vs (or (key-arg :view-size args)
                      (ccl:view-size view)
                      (ccl:view-default-size view))))
    (setf (slot-value view 'cell-size)
          (xy (- (xy-x vs) 15)
              (font-height *listing-font*)))
    (setf (slot-value view 'view-area) vs)
    ;; call set-table-sequence with slot visible still unbound ...
    (set-table-sequence view (slot-value view 'sequence))
    ;; ... then bind it.
    (setf (slot-value view 'visible) (cons 0 0))
    (setf (ccl:scroll-bar-scroll-size (ccl::v-scroller view))

          (let ((invisible (- (sequence-length view)
                              (displayable-lines view #'floor))))  

            (if (> invisible 0)
              (floor (/ +scroll-bar-max+ invisible))
    (setf (ccl:scroll-bar-scroll-size (ccl::h-scroller view))
          (xy-x (string-extent "M" (ccl:view-font view))))
    (ccl::update-scroll-bar-limits view)))

(defmethod set-table-sequence ((view sequence-view) sequence)
  (let ((length (length sequence)))
    (setf (slot-value view 'sequence) sequence)
    (setf (slot-value view 'length) length)
    (setf (slot-value view 'selected)
          (make-array length :element-type 'bit
                      :initial-element 0))
    (when (slot-boundp view 'visible)
      (update-sequence-visible view))
    (ccl::update-scroll-bar-limits view)))

(defmacro sequence-first-visible (view)
  `(car (sequence-visible ,view)))

(defmacro sequence-last-visible (view)
  `(cdr (sequence-visible ,view)))

(defun update-sequence-visible (view)
  (let ((lines (ceiling (view-height view)
                        (xy-y (sequence-cell-size view)))))
    (setf (sequence-last-visible view) 

          (min (1- (+ (sequence-first-visible view) lines))
               (1- (sequence-length view))))))
;; helper function;  i use (sequence-cell-size view) just as a matter of 

;; style--if it's not yet set, font-height jumps in

(defun displayable-lines (view round-fn)
  (let ((cell-size (sequence-cell-size view)))
    (funcall round-fn
             (view-height view) (if cell-size 

                                  (xy-y cell-size) 

                                  (font-height *listing-font*)))))

;; scroll-bar limits 

;;   - horizontally limits are 0 and (- (xy-x cell-size) (xy-x view-area)), 

;;     but at least the current horizontal scroll position
;;   - vertical limits are either both 0 or 0 and +scroll-bar-max+

(defmethod ccl::scroll-bar-limits ((view sequence-view))
  ;; make sure cell-size is valid during initialization 

  (let ((cell-size (or (slot-value view 'cell-size) 0)))
    (ccl::normal-scroll-bar-limits view (xy-x cell-size))))

(defmethod ccl::normal-scroll-bar-limits ((view sequence-view) 

                                          max-h &optional max-v)
  (declare (ignore max-v))
  (let* ((size (ccl:view-size view))
         (h-size (xy-x size))
         (x-pos (xy-x (ccl:view-scroll-position view))))
    (setf (slot-value view 'view-area) (xy (+ x-pos h-size) (xy-y size)))
    (values (xy 0 (+ x-pos (max 0 (- max-h h-size))))
            (xy 0 (if (> (slot-value view 'length) 

                         (displayable-lines view #'floor))

;;; gets called by ccl:scroll-bar-changed with arg h bound to a point 

(defmethod ccl::set-view-scroll-position ((view sequence-view) h 

                                          &optional v visibly?)
  (declare (ignore visibly?))
  (multiple-value-setq (h v) (canonicalize-point-args :values h v))
  (let ((pos (ccl::view-scroll-position view))
        (invalidate? nil)
        (new-index (floor (* (- (sequence-length view)
                                (displayable-lines view #'floor))
                             (/ (ccl::scroll-bar-setting 

                                 (slot-value view 'ccl::v-scroller)) 


        (old-index (sequence-first-visible view)))
    (unless (= (xy-x pos) h)
      (setf (slot-value view 'ccl:view-scroll-position) (xy h 0))
      (setf (slot-value view 'view-area) 

            (+ (ccl:view-size view) h))
      (setf invalidate? t))
    (unless (= new-index old-index)
      (setf (sequence-first-visible view) new-index)
      (setf invalidate? t)
      (update-sequence-visible view))
    (when invalidate? 

      (ccl::invalidate-view view))
    ;(ccl:view-draw-contents view)
    ;(format t "~&  svsp: (~a ~a) ~a" h v invalidate?)


;; pass 0 as the vertical scroll bar setting instead of the vertical 

;; scroll position (which is always 0 for scrolling views) when
;; scrolling horizontally

(defun %scroll-sequence-view (view int direction &optional (min 0))

     (if (eq direction :vertical)
       (logior (logand #xffff (ccl::view-scroll-position view)) 

               (ash int 16))
  (when (eql int min)
      (ccl::update-scroll-bar-limits view))
  (ccl::window-update-event-handler (ccl::view-window view)))

(defmethod ccl::scroll-bar-changed ((view sequence-view) scroll-bar)
  (let ((new-value (ccl::scroll-bar-setting scroll-bar)))
    (%scroll-sequence-view view new-value 

                           (slot-value scroll-bar 'ccl::direction)
                           (ccl::scroll-bar-min scroll-bar))))

;; ccl::set-view-scroll-position on ccl::scroller-mixin calls 

;; this after calling the next method--so we need to invalidate
;; it for sequence-views

(defmethod ccl::update-thumbs ((view sequence-view))
  (declare (ignore view)))

;; page size
;; horizontal value is the view area vertical value the displayable
;; lines over the total lines scaled up to +scroll-bar-max+

(defmethod ccl::scroll-bar-page-size ((view sequence-view))
  (xy (xy-x (slot-value view 'view-area))
      (floor (* +scroll-bar-max+ 

                (min 1 

                     (/ (displayable-lines view #'floor)
                        (max 1 (sequence-length view))))))))

;;; sequence drawing.

(defun font-base-line (font)
  (multiple-value-bind (a d m l) (ccl:font-info font)
    (declare (ignore d m))
    (+ a l)))

(defmethod ccl:view-draw-contents ((view sequence-view))
  (let ((area (slot-value view 'view-area)))
      (ccl:with-font-focused-view view
        (ccl:rlet ((rect :rect :left 0 :right (xy-x area)))
          (#_eraserect rect)
          (loop with h = (xy-y (slot-value view 'cell-size))
                with height = (xy-y area)
                with baseline = (font-base-line *listing-font*)
                for i from (sequence-first-visible view) 

                to (sequence-last-visible view)
                for y = 0 then b
                for b = (+ y h)
                (setf (ccl:rref rect rect.top) y)
                (setf (ccl:rref rect rect.bottom) (min b height))
                (draw-table-cell view 0 i rect baseline
                                 (cell-selected-p view 0 i))))))))

(defmethod draw-table-cell ((view sequence-view) 

                            col row rect baseline selected?)
  (ccl:with-clip-rect rect
    (#_EraseRect rect)
    (#_MoveTo (+ (ccl:rref rect rect.left) 3)
     (+ (ccl:rref rect rect.top) baseline))
    (draw-cell-contents view col row)
    (when selected? (highlight-table-cell view nil rect t))))

;;; col is ignored here; row may be a single row or a list.
;;; the calling pattern is just to comply with ccl's protocol.

(defmethod redraw-cell ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (unless row
    (setf row (xy-y col)))
  (ccl:with-font-focused-view view
    (let* ((area (slot-value view 'view-area))
           (width (xy-x area))
           (height (xy-y area))
           (csize (slot-value view 'cell-size))
           ;(cwidth (xy-x csize))
           (cheight (xy-y csize))
           (baseline (font-base-line *listing-font*))
           (nr-of-elements (slot-value view 'length)))
      (ccl:rlet ((rect :rect :left 0 :right width))
        (flet ((maprow (r)
                 (when (< r nr-of-elements)
                   (let ((top (* (- r (sequence-first-visible view)) cheight)))
                     (setf (ccl:rref rect rect.top) top
                           (ccl:rref rect rect.bottom) (min height 

                                                            (+ top cheight)))
                     (draw-table-cell view 0 r rect baseline
                                      (cell-selected-p view 0 r))))))
          (if (consp row)
            (dolist (r row) (maprow r))
            (maprow row)))))))

(defmethod highlight-table-cell ((view sequence-view) cell
                                 rect selectedp)
  (declare (ignore selectedp cell))
  (#_InvertRect rect))

;;; mouse selection:

;;; - normal click:  toggle selected-p
;;; - command-click: adds or removes single (or multiple, if dragged) 

;;;                  elements to the current selection
;;; - shift-click:   select all elements from the last clicked one to the
;;;                  current element
;;; all modifier keys allow for drag-selection/deselection.  if the drag
;;; speed is too fast, the code catches up with the current mouse position.

(defmethod ccl:view-click-event-handler ((view sequence-view) pos)
  (let ((index (point-to-cell view pos))
        (range (sequence-visible view))
        (length (sequence-length view))
        (redraw '())
        (selected? nil))
    (flet ((track-selection (init fun)
             (declare (integer init) (function fun)
                      (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
             (let* ((lh (xy-y (slot-value view 'cell-size)))
                    (dl (displayable-lines view #'floor))
                    (vh (* dl lh))
                    (len (sequence-length view))
                    (hl (- len dl))
                    (vscr (slot-value view 'ccl::v-scroller))
                    (inc (if (= hl 0)
                           (floor (/ +scroll-bar-max+ (- len dl)))))
                    (i-1 init))
               (declare (integer lh dl vh len inc i-1))
               (loop for y = (the integer (xy-y (ccl:view-mouse-position
                     for i = (the integer (point-to-cell
                                           view 0 (min vh (max y 0))))
                     while (ccl:mouse-down-p)
                     ;; scroll line by line as long as the mouse is outside
                     (unless (<= 0 y vh)
                       (%scroll-sequence-view view lh :vertical 0)
                        vscr (funcall (if (< y 0) #'- #'+)
                                      (ccl:scroll-bar-setting vscr) inc)))
                     (unless (or (= i i-1) (>= i len))
                       (funcall fun view 0 i)
                       (setf (last-selected-cell view) i)
                       (when (> (abs (- i i-1)) 1)
                         (let* ((diff (- i i-1))
                                (by (signum diff))
                                (rep (+ (abs diff) by)))
                           (declare (integer diff by rep))
                           (loop for j from (+ i-1 by) by by
                                 repeat rep
                                 do (funcall fun view 0 j)))))
                     (setf i-1 i)
                     finally (unless (>= i len)
                               (setf (last-selected-cell view) i))))))
      (when (< index length)
        (setf selected? (cell-selected-p view 0 index)))
      (cond ((ccl:command-key-p)
             (when (< index length)
               (let ((fun (if selected? #'cell-deselect #'cell-select)))
                 (funcall fun view 0 index)
                 (track-selection index fun))))
             (setf index (min (1- (sequence-length view)) 

                              (max index 0)))
             (let* ((last (or (last-selected-cell view) index))
                    (s (min index last))
                    (e (max index last)))
               (setf redraw
                     (loop for i from (car range) to (cdr range)
                           for p = (cell-selected-p view 0 i)
                           when (if (<= s i e) 

                                  (not p)
                           collect i))
               (loop for i from s to e
                     unless (cell-selected-p view 0 i)
                     do (%cell-select view 0 i))
               (funcall #'redraw-cell view 0 redraw)
               (track-selection index #'cell-select)))

             (when (not selected?)
               (when (> (sequence-nselected view) 0)
                 (setf redraw 

                       (loop for i from (car range) to (cdr range)
                             when (cell-selected-p view 0 i)
                             collect i))
                 (%deselect-all-cells view))
               (when (< index (sequence-length view))
                 (%cell-select view 0 index)
                 (pushnew index redraw))
               (funcall #'redraw-cell view 0 redraw))
             (track-selection index #'cell-select))))))

;; point2cell
;; Since we never scroll the view vertically, vertical coords are always 0.
;; Thus, add (sequence-first-visible view) to get the actual cell.

(defmethod point-to-cell ((view sequence-view) xy &optional y)
  (+ (sequence-first-visible view)
     (floor (or y (xy-y xy)) (xy-y (slot-value view 'cell-size)))))

;; unused
;(defmethod table-dimensions ((view sequence-view))
;  (xy 0 (sequence-length view)))

(defmethod cell-selected-p ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (= (the bit
       (aref (the simple-bit-vector (slot-value view 'selected))
             (the integer (or row (xy-y col)))))

(defmacro %%set-cell-selection (array row value)
  `(setf (aref (the simple-bit-vector ,array)
               (the integer ,row))
         (the bit ,value)))

(defmethod cell-select ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (unless (cell-selected-p view col row) 

    (%cell-select view col row)
    (redraw-cell view col row)))

(defmethod cell-deselect ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (when (cell-selected-p view col row) 

    (%cell-deselect view col row)
    (redraw-cell view col row)))

(defmethod %cell-select ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (%%set-cell-selection (slot-value view 'selected) 

                        (or row (xy-y col))
  (incf (slot-value view 'nselected)))

(defmethod %cell-deselect ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (%%set-cell-selection (slot-value view 'selected) 

                        (or row (xy-y col))
  (decf (slot-value view 'nselected)))

(defmethod selected-cells ((view sequence-view))
  (let ((v (slot-value view 'selected)) 

        (s (slot-value view 'nselected))
        (c 0))
    (declare (simple-bit-vector v))
    (loop for i below (sequence-length view)
          while (< c s)
          when (= (the bit (aref v i)) 1)
          collect i and do (incf c))))

(defmethod map-selected-cells (fn (view sequence-view))
  (let ((v (sequence-selected view))
        (l (sequence-length view))
        (s (sequence-nselected view))
        (c 0))
    (declare (simple-bit-vector v) (integer l s c))
    (loop for i below l
          while (< c s)
          when (= (the bit (aref v i)) 1)
          (funcall fn i)
          (incf c))

(defmethod map-selected-objects (fn (view sequence-view))
  (let ((v (sequence-selected view))
        (s (table-sequence view))
        (n (sequence-nselected view))
        (c 0)
        (i 0))
    (declare (simple-bit-vector v) (integer n c i) (list s)
             ;(optimize (speed 3 safety 0))
    (loop while (< c n)
          (when (= (the bit (aref v i)) 1)
            (funcall fn (car s))
            (incf c))
          (incf i)
          (setf s (cdr s)))

(defun selected-objects (sequence)
  (let ((l '()))
    (map-selected-objects #'(lambda (o) (push o l)) sequence)
    (nreverse l)))

(defmethod map-sequence-cells (fn (view sequence-view))
  (loop for i below (sequence-length view) do (funcall fn i)))

(defmethod map-sequence-objects (fn (view sequence-view))
  (loop for o in (table-sequence view) do (funcall fn o)))

(defmethod select-all-cells ((view sequence-view))
  (%select-all-cells view)
  (ccl:invalidate-view view))

(defmethod deselect-all-cells ((view sequence-view))
  (%deselect-all-cells view)
  (ccl:invalidate-view view))

(defmethod %select-all-cells (view)
  (let ((v (sequence-selected view)))
    (loop for i below (sequence-length view)

          (%%set-cell-selection v i 1))
    (setf (slot-value view 'nselected) (sequence-length view))))

(defun %deselect-all-cells (view)
  (let ((v (sequence-selected view))
        (l (sequence-length view))
        (c 0))
    (declare (simple-bit-vector v) (integer l s c))
    (loop for i below l
          (%%set-cell-selection v i 0)
          (incf c))
    (setf (slot-value view 'nselected) 0)))

(defun first-selected-cell (view &optional from-end)
  (and (> (sequence-nselected view) 0)
       (position 1 (sequence-selected view) :from-end from-end)))

;;; default cell functions.

(defmethod draw-cell-contents ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  (declare (ignore col))
  (ccl:with-pstrs ((s (prin1-to-string (cell-contents view 0 row))))
    (#_DrawString s)))

(defmethod cell-contents ((view sequence-view) col &optional row)
  ;; default cell contents funtion
  (declare (ignore col))
  (elt (table-sequence view) row))

;;; simple test window

(setf w (make-instance 'ccl:window
          :window-type :document
          (list (make-instance 'sequence-view
                  :table-sequence (loop for i below 10000 collect i)))))


;;; -*- EOF -*-