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Re: spellcheck thang

On Sun, 9 Apr 1995, Don Winiecki wrote:

> > From: lynch@ils.nwu.edu (Richard Lynch)

> > I'm looking for a spell-checker that I can cheaply and easily hook into an
> > MCL app.  Any suggestions?

> I've seen a shareware spellchecker for TEX files, called EXCALIBUR. I 
> don't know if it's still supported or if it will suit your needs.

Okay, so curiosity got the best of me. I just reached out and found 
Excalibur and discovered several things:

	1. It's up to v2.1
	2. It's FREE
	3. It'll do text files okay (since TEX is ..., I should have guessed)
	4. It's at:	sol.cs.bucknell.edu @ /pub/mac
			icarus.riacs.edu    @ /pub/excalibur
			midway.uchicago.edu @ /pub/tex/macintosh/utilities


| Don Winiecki            | Office: AD/ED 233a         | Office Hrs: Spr'95 |
| Texas Tech University   |                            |                    |
| College of Education    | Tele: (806) 742-2397       | AD/ED: 233a or 325 |
| Box 41071               |                            |                    |
| Lubbock, TX. 79409-1071 | Email: IBDon@ttacs.ttu.edu | Tu, Th: 12 - 2:00p |