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- Subject: ff-interface
- From: straz@cambridge.apple.com (Steve Strassmann)
- Date: Thu, 6 May 1993 18:02:21 -0400
>To: info-mcl@ministry.cambridge.apple.com
>From: jmartin@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
>Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp.mcl
>Subject: ff-interface
>Date: 6 May 93 15:31:57 CST
>Organization: University of Kansas Academic Computing Services
>I am trying to load MathLink (compiled C library) into the ff-interface of
>MCL. All of the C functions expect 2 parameters, an integer giving the length
>of the second parameter, which is "an array of strings". I cannot decipher
>how to construct an an array of strings in LISP and then pass it to the C
>function. Does anybody have any idea what data types to use. It seems that
>C is expecting a pointer to the beginning of a contiguous set of strings, but
>I don't know enough to construct this set in LISP, get a pointer to it and
>then pass it to the C function.
I'll take a wild guess here, but maybe something like this would work.
In this example, you create an array of 3 strings to pass to MathLink:
(let ((null-string (string #\null)))
(with-cstrs ((c-string-array (concatenate 'string
"this is a string" null-string
"another string" null-string
"yet another string" null-string)))
(your-mathlink-function 3 c-string-array)))