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CSCHEME on an Apollo ?
I recently got CSCHEME from M.I.T. via an info-server and am trying to
install it on an Apollo 3000 running BSD 4.2.
Has this been done ? The README file (dated 11/4/87) states it runs on
various Vax's, HP's and Sun's but I'm sure it must have been ported
to an Apollo in the interim two years.
I ran into problems running "make all" (step 4 of Install.unx).
The following is an edited transcript (loads of trailing Warnings deleted out).
% make all
#** Resetting translate.touch because of config.h
touch translate.touch
#** Re-making Psbtobin because of translate.touch dump.c Psbtobin.c
rm -f Psbtobin
cc -Dunix -O -o Psbtobin Psbtobin.c -lm
#** Resetting scheme.touch because of scheme.h config.h bkpt.h object.h scode.h sdata.h gc.h interpret.h stack.h futures.h types.h errors.h returns.h const.h fixobj.h default.h extern.h prim.h
touch scheme.touch
#** Generating interpret.oo because of scheme.touch locks.h trap.h lookup.h history.h cmpint.h zones.h interpret.c
cc -c -Dunix -DDEFAULT_BAND_NAME=\"//node_97f2/local_user/gupta/lisp/scheme/scheme/runtime/scheme.bin\" -DSCHEME_SOURCES_PATH=\"//node_97f2/local_user/gupta/lisp/scheme/scheme/runtime/\" -DCOMPILE_HISTORY -O interpret.c
******** Line 249 of "default.h": Error: Malformed predicate for conditional compilation.
******** Line 253 of "default.h": Error: Malformed predicate for conditional compilation.
******** Line 257 of "default.h": Error: Malformed predicate for conditional compilation.
(0327) { { *--Reg_Stack_Pointer = ( Reg_Block[ 5]); *--Reg_Stack_Pointer = ( Reg_Block[ 6]); { if ( 0) { Print_Return(CONT_PRINT_RETURN_MESSAGE); Print_Expression( Reg_Block[ 5],
******** Line 327: [Warning #072] No path to statement "*".
******** Line 327: [Warning #072] No path to statement "Print_Return".
(0333) { *--Reg_Stack_Pointer = ( Reg_Block[ 5]); *--Reg_Stack_Pointer = ( Reg_Block[ 6]); { if ( 0) { Print_Return(CONT_PRINT_RETURN_MESSAGE); Print_Expression( Reg_Block[ 5],
The problem is that the file default.h is correct. It's as supplied - i.e. unedited by me.
This is what a part of it looks like :-
#ifndef Metering_Apply_Primitive
#define Metering_Apply_Primitive(Loc, N) \
Loc = Apply_Primitive(N)
#ifndef Eval_Ucode_Hook() /* **** THIS IS LINE 249 **** */
#define Eval_Ucode_Hook()
And it ALL looks OK. The error message suggests the compiler options are incorrect
so why point to default.h ?
Where do I go from here ?
I should say that I mainly code in Lisp and Smalltalk and so am not familiar
with the idiosyncracies of C and make.
Any help will be *appreciated*.
Ashok "Ash" Gupta
Post : Philips Research Labs, Crossoak Lane, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5HA, U.K.
Voice: +44 293 785544 ext 5647
JANET: gupta@prl.philips.co.uk ARPA: gupta%prl.philips.co.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk