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Undigestify for ZMAIL?

    Date: Tue, 28 Apr 87 23:18 EDT
    From: "Barry Margolin" <barmar%Think.COM%unido@gmdzi>

	Date: Tue, 28 Apr 87 09:17 PDT
	From: Bagley.PA@xerox.com

	Has anyone written an undigestify command for ZMAIL that they want to
	share? [...]

    Symbolics has.  Try M-X Undigestify in Genera 7.0.  There's also a M-X
    Construct Digest.

Hmmm. I just tried to use it, but I don't find anything to answer when
asked "Digest Template?". Any hints would be appretiated, because I
don't have the mailer sources to look for a hint.
