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Gunther Hartmann
Technical University Darmstadt
Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
D-6100 Darmstadt/Germany
Subject: Symbolics 3640
Hi there,
We recently got a Symbolics 3640 System --- very fine machine --- but up
to now we have no printer attached to it. Symbolics carges approx.
6000 $ for a 24-pin matrix-printer, 12000 $ for a LASER, including
software for bitmap-dumps, a price we cannot accept. So we are looking
for a driver running under Genera 7.1 capable of doing
bitmap-(screen)-dumps on an Epson-fx80 or whatever well-known graphics
printer (e.g. HP-Laserjet+).
Could you please forward this mail to your distribution list.
If you feel, that this mail might better be sent to another info-list,
please let me know.
Please respond directly to me, as I am not on the distribution list
of this digest.
Thks in advance.
Mit besten Gruessen/have a nice day
Gunther Hartmann