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Recovering deleted ZWEI buffers.
Ok Ok, it was pretty stupid of me to delete a buffer I really wanted.
Actually, it was just a typo, I was in the buffer editor and typed a "D"
instead of an "S".
Hmm, I can undelete files, is there some way to undelete a buffer?
Anyway, the buffer was gone, and I wanted it back.
Here's what I did. It seems to work. I must say, while dynamic windows
were not crucial to this, it sure made it easy to crawl through the area
when I could click describe on a structure.
;;; -*- Syntax: Zetalisp; Base: 10; Mode: LISP; Package: ZWEI -*-
1;;; To "recover a buffer":
;;; 1) Use find-buffers in a dynamic listener to list ALL buffers
;;; (substr implies only those buffers with substr in their name)
;;; 2) Use recover-buffer and click over the buffer
;;; 3) Use copy output history into editor and make the final0 1edits.
0(defun find-buffers (&optional substr)
zwei:*zmacs-buffer-area* #'si:region-predicate-structure
#'(lambda (region address header leader size)
(when (typep header 'buffer)
(if substr
(when (string-search substr (send header :name))
(format t "~%~S" header))
(format t "~%~S" header))))))
(defun recover-buffer (b)
(let ((*interval* b))
(loop with bp = (send *interval* :first-bp)
do (format t "~%~A" (bp-line bp))
while bp
do (setf bp (forward-line bp)))))