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*PACKAGE* rebound by debugger
Date: Sun, 29 May 88 11:40:35 CDT
From: flatau@CLI.COM (Arthur D. Flatau)
While having IN-PACKAGE behave like PKG-GOTO is a step in the right
direction, it does not help when debugging a program that runs in
another package (and bind *PACKAGE* at its top level). Everytime you
enter the debugger you get CL-USER or whatever. What is really needed
is to make it easier to circumvent the "feature" described above, i.e.
without modifying and/or advising functions.
What's wrong with:
(import 'scl:standard-value-let)
(defmacro standard-value-let (bindings &body body)
`(let ,bindings ,@body))
(defun top-level-function ()
(standard-value-let ((*package* (find-package 'weird-imports)))
We have one file full of messy imports and shadow definitions, and then
generally don't worry about it.