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Corrupted disk labels

    Date: 21 Feb 90  3:29
    From: razzell%cs.ubc.ca@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM (Dan Razzell)

    How does one recover from a corrupted disk on a standalone machine?
    Assuming just a few blocks are corrupted, and one of them happens to
    be the label block, what can be done from the FEP to repair them? Or
    do I have to reformat the whole thing?

    In Genera 7.2, the only useful FEP command is Disk Format, and it looks
    like a big hammer. Might there be something more graceful?

I don't think there are any smaller hammers in the FEP.  Actually, I
don't think there are any smaller hammers in Lisp, short of writing your
own tools that call SYS:DISK-WRITE.

Note, also, that if the label block is permanently corrupted (i.e. it
fails even after reformatting) that the disk is useless.  The Lispm
doesn't support an alternate block for the label.
