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Copy Bug Reports to SLUG? (was Re: problem with ux400)

    Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 11:01 PDT
    From: BUCKMAN@ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com (Eric Buckman)

	Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 10:21 EST
	From: Len%AIP1%TSD%atc.bendix.com@RELAY.CS.NET

	Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 10:19 EDT
	From: Len Moskowitz <Len@HEART-OF-GOLD>
	Subject: Copy Bug Reports to SLUG? (was Re: problem with ux400)
	To: "3077::IN%\"SLUG@warbucks.ai.sri.COM\""@TSD1
	In-Reply-To: <19900628154051.7.CHUCKO@CERBERUS.arc.nasa.gov>
	Message-ID: <19900629141904.0.LEN@HEART-OF-GOLD>
	Chuck Fry writes:
	You pre-suppose that all SLUG readers have current maintenance
	contracts.  Here at Bendix we don't, though we used to. 


    I'd have to disagree, especially when you talk about: 1There are fixes out there
    that we'll never see (or perhaps see very late in an ECO tape) simply because
0    1we're not plugged into the Symbolics support system.0  I think what you are
    asking for is an easy, FREE, way to get at the information that in many cases
    originates from Symbolics to PAYING software support customers.  What you are
    doing is raising the cost of software support to me, by getting some of the
    benefits, but not paying for your share.   [...]
Come off it. 
