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Optimize World and si:full-gc

    Date: Mon, 15 Oct 90 12:42 EDT
    From: barmar@Think.COM (Barry Margolin)

	Date: Sun, 7 Oct 90 17:51:54 MDT
	From: andreasg@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Andreas Girgensohn)

	I want to avoid that executing "Optimize World" before doing an incremental
	disk save makes the saved world a lot bigger.  I don't know how I have to
	build the parent world (a complete disk save).  Do I have to call both
	si:full-gc and "Optimize World", if yes, in which order?  Is there something
	else that I have to do?  

					 and do an Optimize World before an
    incremental save.

Every ancestor world has to have been Optimized.  If not, the result
will be much larger.