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DOS Lisp
From payer@atc.bendix.com:
I'm looking for a Lisp (preferably CL) compiler/interpreter
to run on a 386/486 platform under DOS. Foreign function calling
capability for interfacing to a C library is a must.
I would prefer a real basic system, without a graphical interface,
I conducted this search recently, with a few basic but strict
criteria: cost (for personal use), legitimate CL implementation,
DOS extended memory usage, and preferably a compilation capability.
Depending on your price range, the best I found were IQC Lisp
(Integral Quality) and MuLisp (Soft Warehouse), both in the $300-$400
range, and Star Sapphire Common Lisp, a greate low-cost system (w/o
compiler, but $90). Hope this helps..