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Re: How to get the CURRENT SCREEN.

    Date: Tue, 20 Nov 1990 11:05:44 EST
    From: RUSHING@TITAN.KSC.NASA.GOV (Sam Rushing)

	    Is there a 'legal' way to get hold of the current screen or
    console object?  There is the global TV:*ALL-THE-SCREENS*, which I
    suspect is used by 'Set Screen Options', but there doesn't seem to be
    any documented, general method for doing this. (Or have I not found it
    yet?)  The curiosity stems from attempts at having the same code work
    on the black & white console, the color screen, and over X.

	    We're using some of the TV pop-up menu stuff, because it's
    quicker and slicker for our application, and often end up specifying
    :SUPERIOR arguments to TV:MAKE-WINDOW.  I guess we're looking for a 
    quick replacement for TV:MAIN-SCREEN.  I just checked TV:WINDOW-UNDER-MOUSE
    over X, and it seems to do the wrong thing.  Where's the magic gateway
    variable?  *CURRENT-PROCESS*?  *TERMINAL-IO*?

    Any suggestions?

    -Sam Rushing

Probably you want
 (TV:SHEET-SCREEN <a-window-in-your-application or TV:SELECTED-WINDOW>).
Also there are variables SYS:*MAIN-CONSOLE* and SYS:*CONSOLES* and a function