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[news-server.csri.toronto.edu!torsqnt!geac!maccs!darel@uunet.uu.net: Re: Mips]
Date: 26 Sep 91 00:51:56 GMT
>From: news-server.csri.toronto.edu!torsqnt!geac!maccs!darel@uunet.uu.net (Darel Mesher)
Organization: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Subject: Re: Mips
Sender: info-ti-explorer-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
To: info-ti-explorer@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
"Dhrystone Benchmark, Version 2.0.0 (Language: LISP)"
;* From:
;* The Careful Port of DHRYSTONE Version 2.0 (Language: C)
; **************************************************************************
; *
; * Dhrystone (C version) statistics:
; *
; * [Comment from the first distribution, updated for version 2.
; * Note that because of language differences, the numbers are slightly
; * different from the Ada version.]
; *
; * The following program contains statements of a high level programming
; * language (here: C) in a distribution considered representative:
; *
; * assignments 52 (51.0 %)
; * control statements 33 (32.4 %)
; * procedure, function calls 17 (16.7 %)
; *
; * This mix is present in the Dhrystone Benchmark, No Floating Point
; * and lots of simulated I/O.
; **************************************************************************
machine type clock compiler C(regs) lisp ratio lisp compile time
DEC 750 (4 Mbyte) VAX LISP 2.2 863 320 2.7 32:00 total
DEC uVAX II LUCID 2.1.0 1476 345 4.3 89u, 1:32 total
DEC 780 LUCID 2.1.0 1517 370 4.1 97u
DEC 785 (vms) LUCID 2.1.1 2004 463 4.3 68u
DEC 785 (unix) LUCID 2.1.0 2004 621 3.2 58u
TI EXPLORER I SYSTEM 3.1 495 --- 54 total
MAC II 16MHz ALLEGRO 1.0 500 --- 36 total
DEC 780 (20 Mbyte) VAX LISP 2.2 1517 502 3.0 3:16 total
TI EXPLORER I SYSTEM 4.1 545 --- 50 total
HP9000/320 68020 16MHz HP/UX CL1.01 2870 572 5.0 42u, 54 total
DEC 785 VAX LISP 2.2 2004 735 2.7 66u
IBM RT-6150 CMU CL V1.6 2191 861 2.5 32u, 43 total
DEC VAX 6240 LUCID 2.1.0 3859 940 4.1 31u, 32 total
DEC uVAX III LUCID 2.1.0 3853 979 3.9 33u, 36 total
SUN 3/60 68080 20MHz LUCID 2.1.0 4487 1055 4.3 21u, 37 total
DEC uVAX III VAX LISP 2.2 3853 1212 3.2 43 total
SYMBOLICS 3600 GENERA 7.1 1269 --- 36 total
TI microEXPLORER SYSTEM 4.1 1595 --- 43 total
SUN 3/260 68080 25MHz LUCID 2.1.0 7146 1590 4.5 17u, 19 total
IBM RT-6151 APC CMU CL V1.6 4474 1803 2.5 17u, 19 total
DEC 8600 VAX LISP 2.2 1945 --- 24u
DEC 8650 LUCID 2.1.0 8593 2012 4.3 16.0u, 18 total
DEC 8800 LUCID 2.1.1 9696 2232 4.2 15.3u, 16 total
TI EXPLORER II SYSTEM 4.1 2429 --- 11 total
DEC 8800 VAX LISP 2.2 9696 3327 2.9 14.2u, 35 total
SUN 4/260 SPARC 17MHZ LUCID 2.1.0 18048 4376 4.1 11.7u, 16 total
^ ^
Significant Values
I will leave the conversion to MIPS as an exercise for the reader, pick a
vendor you trust :-) take their MIPS rating, find them in the chart and
extrapolate to whatever machine you are interested in. Just remember,
benchmarks and MIPS ratings are among the world's biggest lies.
(Watch out for LISP implementations on NON-LISPMs....)
Hope this helps,
Darel Mesher VE3DLT
Electrical and Computer Engineering
McMaster University darel@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca