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S-Products mail list

Can anyone point me to an address (other than
postamster@BLACK.SWW.Symbolics.COM) that will get me on the S-Products mailing
list? I tried this (thanks anyway Paul :) and received the following:
   |------------------------- Failed addresses follow: -----------
   black.sww.symbolics.com!postamster ... transport smtp: 550  Recipient
   postamster@BLACK.SWW.Symbolics.COM is not defined on this host. I don't know
if this message came from my end or Symbolics. My access is through usenet, I
think, if that makes any difference.  Thanks!
* Scott Busse email:           O    O   O_     _      ___ .....
* CIS 73040,2114              |||  /|\  /\   O/\_     /         O    )=|
* scott_busse@mindlink.UUCP    l   | |   |\    / \   /\                _\
* scott_busse@mindlink.bc.ca                  Live Long and Animate... \