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DW/CLIM question

    Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1991 11:17 EST
    From: buff@pravda.cc.gatech.edu (Richard Billington)

	Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1991 10:35-0500
	From: JGA@ALDERAAN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM (John G. Aspinall)



	  (multiple-value-bind (lef top rit bot) (clim:bounding-rectangle* presentation)
	     (declare (ignore lef rit bot))
	     (clim:window-set-viewport-position* pane 0 top))


	  (multiple-value-bind (lef top rit bot) (clim:bounding-rectangle* presentation)
	     (declare (ignore lef rit bot))
	     (multiple-value-bind (v-lef v-top) (clim:window-viewport-position* pane)
		(declare (ignore v-top))
		(clim:window-set-viewport-position* pane v-lef top)))

	or any number of other variations (e.g. centering the presentation).

    I don't have the sources for dw::presentation-location, so I don't know what
    it's supposed to do (it's undocumented). I would assume it does the same
    thing as clim:bounding-rectangle*, but:

    (dw::presentation-location (present "hiya")) => NIL

    Anyway at all of getting DW to tell me where it presented something (without
    my explicitly telling it where to present it)?

I doubt this is any more documented, but it works in the 
  "2 colons means never having to say (symbolics is) "sorry" sense: 

(dw:box-edges (dw::presentation-displayed-box (present "hiya")))
     => left top right bottom

Other relevant `methods' on dw:box are: dw:box-left, dw:box-right
etc, in particular dw:box-top would be appropriate.
