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Problems with Unix accessing Symbolics files

Received: by fergie.DECnet (utk-mail11 v1.7) ; Thu, 9 Apr 92 14:34:17 EDT
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Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 14:34:13 -0400
From: sjameson (Stephen M Jameson)
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	id AA21184; Thu, 9 Apr 92 14:34:11 EDT
To: slug@ai.sri.com@aitgw.DECNET
Subject: Problems with Unix accessing Symbolics files
As you all know by now, I am working on transferring our Symbolics file system
over to a Unix server.  My latest question deals with the issue of granting
access to the files by Unix machines.  Offhand, the only potential problem I
can see with this is the failure of Unix to respect file numbering conventions.
Has anybody experienced any other problems with this situation?  Since we
currently do not have direct access by Unix machines to Symbolics files, I am
willing to nix direct access by Unix machines for even relatively minor
Steve Jameson
General Electric Aerospace
Advanced Technology Laboratories    
Moorestown, New Jersey