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Home directory problem
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1992 17:08 EDT
From: sjameson@fergie.atl.ge.com (Stephen M Jameson)
Thanks to miller@cs.rochester.edu for the advice on getting NFS to work with a
Unix server. For some reason, having the Unix box conditionally export the
directories in question (only to the given set of hosts) was causing the problems.
I had this same problem, where I got "permission denied" on the
Symbolics unless I exported to the world (though I did not know at the
time that that's what I was doing). This caught the attention of the
computer security folks here, who test machines and pointed out that I
was leaving the machine open to attack. The solution to the problem
turned out to be that I needed full domain names on the Sun, thus:
/home -access=space50.nrl.navy.mil:space20.nrl.navy.mil:space75.nrl.navy.mil
for /etc/exports. Now those machines and only those machines have NFS access.
I hope this is useful.
Liam M. Healy
Code 8233, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375
Telephone: 202-404-8338
Internet: Healy@space50.nrl.navy.mil
Composed on 8/14/92 10:53:18 at SPACE20 (a Symbolics 3620)