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Date: Wed, 9 Nov 88 12:09:27 EST
From: Status.of.CLOS.and.associated.software.for"production"work@summanulla.mc.duke.edu
To:   CommonLoops.pa@Xerox.COM
Redistributed: CommonLoops.pa

I am about to start coding a proof-of-principle system to go with my
dissertation research in domain-specialized programming languages/
visual programming systems.  I have been entertaining the idea that
Common Lisp, CLOS, and X Windows would be an appropriate programming
environment for this; I'm not that experienced a Lisp programmer,
however, so I have some questions.  I'd be happy to hear anyone's
opinion on the questions.

For all of these questions, please keep in mind that the only Common
Lisp I have available is KCL (with the Austin modifications, although I
could rebuild without if necessary.)

(1) How stable is CLOS at this point?  How likely am I to exercise
significant bugs that are difficult to work around?

(2) Is there a significant amount of CLOS code available, so I have some
good examples from which to learn coding style inclusive-or dirty but
useful tricks?

(3) The only OOP interface to X windows of which I am aware is CLUE.
How stable is CLUE?  What has been others's experience coding
applications using CLUE?  Are there other interfaces I should consider?
Should I consider building my own toolkit directly from CLX?

(4) is there available an EMACS-like editor, in the public domain or
freely usable, that is portable to Common LISP directly?  I can always
run a subsidiary GNU Emacs or emacsclient, but I'd rather have a
slightly crippled LISP emacs I can put my own hooks into.

(I plan to encapsulate it in an editor-object anyway, so compatibility
with CLOS doesn't seem an issue.  Am I wrong?)

Thanks everyone,

			Charlie Martin
			(...!mcnc!duke!crm, crm@summanulla.mc.duke.edu)
			(if summanulla doesn't work, use crm@cs.duke.edu)

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