CLIM mail archive


Command Table Menu Items

I want to make a suggestion for 2.0:
The default command menu displayer should organize
command menu items column-wise instead of row-wise.
Right now (1.1) it's this way:
A  B  C
D  E  F
G  H  I

I think it's much more ergonomical to have it that way:
A  D  G
B  E  H
C  F  I

Of course I know that I could use my own displayer
but I think a change to the built-in one would
be much more convienient.

Or could there be any portability or other problems 
associated with such a change?

Markus Fischer, MF@SGER.UUCP              Mergenthalerallee 77-81
Statice Development Group                 W-6236 Eschborn, Germany
Symbolics Systemhaus GmbH                 Phone: +49 6196 47220, Fax 481116


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