CLIM mail archive
Using Colors in accepting - values?
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1992 03:14 EST
From: Jan Hesse <>
I have a color problem with accepting-values. In the accepting-values
I define accepts with different colors.
(accepting-values (stream :own-window t :resynchronize-every-pass t)
(with-drawing-options (stream :ink +red+)
(setf val1
(accept 'string :stream stream :default val1)))
(with-drawing-options (stream :ink +blue+)
(setf val2
(accept 'string :stream stream :default val2))))
If CLIM create the window all is fine. The strings have the given
color. If I change one value all items, will be drawn in the
medium-foreground color. I suppose the accept doesn't regonize the
drawing options and the accepting-values would not call the whole
body again.
The only solution that I known is to define a new presentation type
with a special accept-method. But this is in my opinion a wrong way.
This works properly in CLIM 2.0. I don't know exactly what changed from
CLIM 1.1 here, so I can't offer any patches for you. Sorry about that.
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