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Panes that are not in the current layout have no medium?
CLIM 2.0-beta on LispWorks 3.2.21-beta-4
CLIM 2.0 on Allegro 4.2
Apparently, in CLIM 2.0 (unlike in CLIM 1.1) a pane that is not listed
in the frame's current pane layout has no medium. Hence, one cannot
draw any output on such a pane (or into its output history), even with
the :DRAW output recording option set to NIL. This seems a bit
constraining. It means that I cannot keep any hidden panes up to date
via output recording. Instead, whenever I write to such a pane I have
to enclose it in a
(when (clim:sheet-medium hidable-pane-stream) ...)
and I must in some other way keep track of everything I want recorded
on that pane. Is this correct?
An example is attached. Invoke the Switch Layout command, then
attempt to execute the Write Something command.
Lawrence G. Mayka
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Standard disclaimer.
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage dead-pane (:use))
(clim:define-application-frame dead-pane ()
(application-a :application
:label "Application A"
:width 700
:height 150)
(application-b :application
:label "Application B"
:width 700
:height 150)
(interactor :interactor
:label "Interactor"
:width 700
:height 150))
(layout-a (clim:vertically ()
(layout-b (clim:vertically ()
(define-dead-pane-command (dead-pane::quit :name t :menu t) ()
(clim:frame-exit clim:*application-frame*))
(define-dead-pane-command (dead-pane::switch-layout :name t :menu t) ()
(let* ((frame clim:*application-frame*)
(old-layout (clim:frame-current-layout frame))
(new-layout (if (eql old-layout 'layout-a) 'layout-b 'layout-a)))
(setf (clim:frame-current-layout frame) new-layout)))
(define-dead-pane-command (dead-pane::write-something :name t :menu t) ()
(let* ((frame clim:*application-frame*)
(appl-a-stream (clim:get-frame-pane frame 'application-a))
(appl-b-stream (clim:get-frame-pane frame 'application-b)))
(format appl-a-stream "This is Application A.~%")
(clim:with-output-recording-options (appl-b-stream
:draw (clim:sheet-medium appl-b-stream))
(format appl-b-stream "This is Application B.~%"))))
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