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Re: PD lisps for Sun Solaris 2.3

In article <35kneu$1n3@uxc.ecn.bgu.edu>,
Darrell Johns <xdwj@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> wrote:
>The responses I go pointed me to the following:
>   Gnu Common Lisp (formerly AKCL) on math.utexas.edu:pub/gcl/gcl.x.x.tgz
>   CLISP from ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de in pub/lisp/clisp
>I got GNU Lisp and tried to build it with gcc but the make failed.  I
>posted the error to the GNU discussion list but have not gotten a response.
>I have not tried to get/build CLISP yet.

My thanks to all who replied to this message or one of my other postings
for assistance on this.  Following the suggestions sent to me I got GNU
Lisp to build and install.

Darrell W Johns         |Educational Computing Network  |Phone: 708/235-2200
Applications Consultant |GSU - Computer Center Building |FAX:   708/235-2211
                        |University Park, IL 60466-0975 |
            INTERNET:D-Johns@bgu.edu  -or-  BITNET: XDWJ@ECNUXA