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Re: files-in-directory
- To: info-mcl
- Subject: Re: files-in-directory
- From: poeck@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de (karsten poeck)
- Date: 27 Aug 92 08:07:43 GMT
- Followup-to: comp.lang.lisp.mcl
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp.mcl
- Organization: university of wuerzburg
- References: <EeafXB200iUx4_kZIQ@andrew.cmu.edu>
- Sender: news@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de (USENET News account)
In article <EeafXB200iUx4_kZIQ@andrew.cmu.edu>, sr0o+@andrew.cmu.edu
(Steven Ritter) wrote:
> I have just moved to a quadra, so I'm moving from MCL 1.3.2 to 2.0
> (beta). Some of my code uses a function called files-in-directory, which
> returns a list of files in the specified directory. I can't find
> anything similar in 2.0. Is there an equivalent? Are there lots of other
(defun b=erzeuge-String (irgendetwas)
"Ausgabe: macht aus irgendwas einen String, nil wird zu \"\""
;Autor: Karsten
(cond ((keywordp irgendetwas)(format nil "~s" irgendetwas))
((null irgendetwas) "")
((symbolp irgendetwas) (string irgendetwas))
((stringp irgendetwas) irgendetwas)
((typep irgendetwas 'Character)(string irgendetwas))
(t (format nil "~a" irgendetwas))))
(defun b=konkateniere-nach-String (&rest Parameter)
"Eingabe: Beliebig viele Parameter vom beliebigen Typ
Ausgabe: Konkatenierter String"
;Autor: Karsten
(reduce #'(lambda(a b)
(concatenate `string a b))
(mapcar #'(lambda(was)
(if (stringp was)
(b=erzeuge-string was)))
(defun files-in-directory (was)
(directory (b=konkateniere-nach-string was "*")
:files t
:directories nil))
(defun directories-in-directory (was)
(directory (b=konkateniere-nach-string was "*")
:files nil
:directories t))
> differences between 1.3.2 and 2.0? Sorry I don't have any documentation
The whole window package is different, object lisp is replaced by clos
cltl1 is replaced by cltl2
> -- CMU has a site license. Also, does the final version of 2.0 run on
> the quadra with the cache on?
YES, fine
> Steve