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mail slug@warbucks.ai.sri.comIvory MacInTalk
Help! I am trying to get MacIntalk to work on the MacIvory.
I have versions dated Jan '83 (28,312 bytes), Jan '84 and
Apr 14 '88 (both 28,552 bytes). I have Talktools 1.0 (Sept '87)
and Speechlab ('85). No sound comes out. I have the sound set
high on the Control-panel, and I have moved the MacIntalk
icon to the system folder. Nothing seems to work. Is it
Extra credit: How can I call MacIntalk from the Symbolics
side? Does any kind soul have software out there that does this
Note: Why does there not exist a SybolicsTalk for the Lispm?
This is an important user interface, and should be made a
standard part of all computers.
(Also a continuous speech input program...I know, I know,
we're working on it...)
John Myers ATR Interpreting Telephony Research Labs