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Re: CLIM with multiple frames

>            Is there any portable way to generate 2 or more windows that
>            stays on the screen simutaneiously with CLIM and are created
>            during run time by a single application?
> ...
>            CLIM1.1/CLIM2.0beta2.0
> ...
>            It can be done with multitasking package (i.e. running multiple
>            run-frame-top-level) but this is not portable.  
> CLIM-SYS:MAKE-PROCESS is portable.

I'd like to qualify that. In MCL2.0 Clim1.1 it is in clim-utils: and it
returns nil. 

This also bothers me about Clim (as evidenced by extensive discussion
last summer) -- passive highlighting means you have to have a process
busy-waiting, so you can't use MCL's nice event-driven processing that
lets you have several active windows up which the user can utilize as
he/she desires.

But a question ...
> OPEN-WINDOW-STREAM will create a window for doing i/o on.
If one does multiple open-window-streams within the scope of a single
run-application-frame, does the command processor check all windows?
I.e., is this a *portable* solution to having multiple windows up, all
of which are sensitive to a passive (unclicked) pointer? Or does all
control/sensitivity switch to that window until it is closed?

 Dan Suthers           | LRDC, room 505A     | 3939 O'Hara Street
 (412) 624-7036 office | University of Pittsburgh
 (412) 624-9149 fax    | Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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