Mail Thread Index
- Class Precedence List,
Dick Gabriel
David A . Moon
- Terminology: lattice,
David A . Moon
- terminology confusion: subclass, superclass,
David A . Moon
- Re: :allocation slot-option issues,
David A . Moon
- Terminology,
Dick Gabriel
- bug in slot parsing,
Rick L Spickelmier
- Very Dull Message About Class Precedence Lists,
Dick Gabriel
- PCL in release 7.0,
Dawn MacLaughlin
- OOPSLA paper,
Dawn MacLaughlin
- Some invariants,
Danny Bobrow
- Method Combination Proposal,
David A . Moon
- Re: Question about MAKE-METHOD Arguments,
Gregor Kiczales
- Re: Terminology: default value form,
Gregor Kiczales
- Re: MAKE-METHOD arguments discussion,
Gregor Kiczales
- Re: Comments on various comments,
Gregor Kiczales
- pcl in release 7,
- metaclass compatibility,
Rick L Spickelmier
- initialize method problems...,
Rick L Spickelmier
- Comments about PCL 12/2/86,
- getting OOPSLA proceedings,
- Lexical environment of slot default initial value forms,
David A . Moon
- What's left to do,
Dick Gabriel
- Issues for the CLOS committee to start focussing on,
David A . Moon
- Class Precedence List: Rebuttal to Danny,
Dick Gabriel
- new version of concepts chapter,
Sonya E . Keene
- vector class?,
Rick . Busdiecker
- specializing macros,
David C. Martin
- [no subject],
Edward H. Lay
- For the Record,
Dick Gabriel
- Environment for initial value form,
Dick Gabriel
- Documents updated for method combination,
David A . Moon
- additions for VAXLISP,
Rick L Spickelmier
- Problem using make-specializable,
Dawn MacLaughlin
- draft on inheritance of slots and defclass options,
Sonya E . Keene
- Bug(?) in defmeth and number of arguments,
Frank Halasz
- new versions of files,
Sonya E . Keene
- Re: ---,
Gregor . pa
- bug in pcl 11/11 under ExCL 1.{3,4},
David C. Martin
- New version of PCL for Genera,
Gregor . pa
- YABIPCL (Yet Another Bug In PCL),
David C. Martin
- change-class and class redefinition,
David A . Moon
- New version of define-method-combination,
Danny Bobrow
- questions from JEIDA Object Oriented Programming WG,
- standard-type-classes,
Dick Gabriel
- Small additional suggestion wrt Method-combination,
Danny Bobrow
- Inheritance of Methods,
Dick Gabriel
- pcl in lucid,
Dan Carnese
- PCL and Lucid,
Edward H. Lay
- Multiple-value-setq in excl,
Edward H. Lay
- [no subject],
- BUG and FIX? for PCL 1/19/87,
Rick L Spickelmier
- [ Handling Common Lisp built in types],
Masinter . pa
- compiling files in PCL 1/19/87,
Rick L Spickelmier
- Strenuously,
Dick Gabriel
- Symbolics design review,
David A . Moon
- bug in compute-class-precedence-list in sun CL,
Gregor . pa
- [no subject],
DUSSUD%Jenner%ti-csl . csnet
- Alternatives,
Dick Gabriel
- Comments on Concepts chapter 1/23/87,
David A . Moon
- Moon's comments,
Dick Gabriel
- Gabriel's comments,
David A . Moon
- Class-precedence-list computation,
David A . Moon
- symbols are not generic functions,
Gregor . pa
- :allocation :none,
Ken kahn
- new version of PCL - 1/26/87,
Gregor . pa
- CPL Update,
Dick Gabriel
- CPL Computation,
Dick Gabriel
- Elaboration on the Non-intuitiveness of New Flavors Algorithm...,
Dick Gabriel
- Complexity of Topological Sort + single-pass treewalk tiebreaker,
Dick Gabriel
- Problem with get-function and put-function,
Robert MacGregor
- Re: Method Combination,
Danny Bobrow
- Last-Visited Preorder,
Dick Gabriel
- Progress is Our Most Important Problem,
Dick Gabriel
- CPL Tiebreaker,
Dick Gabriel
- changes made to documentation,
Sonya E . Keene
- Re: Progress is Our Most Important Problem -- Method Combination,
Gregor . pa
- My comments on some things,
Gregor . pa
- The Real Deadline,
Dick Gabriel
- Minor things noticed while proofreading documents,
David A . Moon
- CPL etc,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- CPL etc,
David A . Moon
- Common Lisp Types,
Dick Gabriel
- Moon/Bobrow phone conversation,
David A . Moon
- CPL Varia,
Dick Gabriel
- CPL anxieties,
Jon L White
- optional arguments,
Rick . Busdiecker
- optional args (again),
Rick . Busdiecker
- Some other open issues,
Gregor . pa
- Various of Danny's Comments,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: Gregor's comments on some things,
Danny Bobrow
- Clarification,
Dick Gabriel
- Inheritance of Slot Options,
Dick Gabriel
- Addendum to ``Inheritance of Slot Options'',
Dick Gabriel
- class-named,
Gregor . pa
- my comments on 2/2/87 draft of functi,
Gregor . pa
- More feedback from Symbolics reviewers,
David A . Moon
- initialization protocol,
Gregor . pa
- Re: initializing class slots,
Danny Bobrow
- Discussion at X3J13,
David A . Moon
- CL Types,
Dick Gabriel
Dick Gabriel
- Clarification Clarification,
Dick Gabriel
- Inheritance of Slots,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Inheritance of Slots,
David A . Moon
- Inheritance of Slots,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: Inheritance of Slots,
Gregor . pa
- Inheritance of Slots,
David A . Moon
- Re: Inheritance of Slots,
Danny Bobrow
- Re: Inheritance of Slots,
Danny Bobrow
- Inheritance of Slots,
Dick Gabriel
- Inheritance of Slots,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: Inheritance of Slots,
Danny Bobrow
- Re: Inheritance of Slots,
Jim Kempf
- X3J13 Discussion,
Dick Gabriel
- Comments on Chapter 1,
Stan Lanning
- call-next-method is not a function,
System Files
- Stan's Comments,
Dick Gabriel
- Functions,
Dick Gabriel
- ensure-generic-function,
Gregor . pa
- List of generic functions,
Danny Bobrow
- LONG MESSAGE -- Draft of meta-object protocol,
Bobrow . pa
- Semantic difficulties,
Dick Gabriel
- with* in the latest release,
Edward H. Lay
- X3J13 version of document,
David A. Moon
- Document,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Document,
David A . Moon
- State of the world,
Dick Gabriel
- Meta-object protocol,
Danny Bobrow
- Documents,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Documents,
Linda DeMichiel
- KCL,
Roy D'Souza
- <Possible follow-ups>
- KCL,
Richard Harris
- :generate-accessors and print-instance,
David McKelvie
- CALL-NEXT-METHOD not exported,
Jim Kempf
- Naming Method Functions,
Jim Kempf
Jim Kempf
Jim Kempf
- Things we should do to prepare for the March meeting,
David A . Moon
- Errata for 87-002,
David A . Moon
- CLOS Response,
Dick Gabriel
- Comments On Moon's Errata (Chapter 1 only),
Dick Gabriel
- Consistency,
Dick Gabriel
- Meeting,
Dick Gabriel
- CPL,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- CPL,
Daniel L . Weinreb
- CPL,
David A . Moon
- CPL,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: CPL,
Danny Bobrow
- setf in defmethod?,
Rick . Busdiecker
- defclass,
Rick . Busdiecker
- function names and warnings,
Rick . Busdiecker
- Away,
Dick Gabriel
- Errata,
David A . Moon
- errata sheet,
David A . Moon
- method declarations,
Rick . Busdiecker
- Relations to window standardization,
Jon L White
- Proposed revision of "Inheritance of Slots and Slot Options" section,
David A . Moon
- Draft Specification/PCL documentation,
Gregor . pa
- Draft Specification/PCL documentation withdrawn,
Gregor . pa
- Bug in change-class,
Kenneth R . Anderson
- New version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- <Possible follow-ups>
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Re: new version of PCL,
Ron Stanonik
- Re: Re: new version of PCL,
Ron Stanonik
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Re: new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
kiuchi . pa
- Re: new version of PCL,
Rob Pettengill
- Re: new version of PCL,
Jeff Dalton
- Re: new version of PCL,
kiuchi . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- RE: new version of PCL,
Stephen Nicoud
- Re:New version of PCL,
- Re:New version of PCL,
- new version of PCL,
Gregor . pa
- new version of PCL,
Gregor J . Kiczales
- RE: new version of PCL,
Stephen L . Nicoud
- Re: new version of PCL,
- Re: new version of PCL,
Aaron Larson
- RE: new version of PCL,
Gregor J . Kiczales
- Inheritance of Slots and Slot Options,
Dick Gabriel
- Moon's Comments on RPG's Comments on Moon's Errata,
Dick Gabriel
- Moon's Errata for Chapter 2,
Dick Gabriel
- All is Not Lost (?),
Dick Gabriel
- Moon's comments on RPG's comments on Moon's Errata for Chapter 2,
David A . Moon
- new package name in PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Chapter 3,
Danny Bobrow
- Errata etc.,
Dick Gabriel
- Meeting Monday,
Dick Gabriel
- Comments on 87-002, Chapter 1,
Jim Kempf
- Agenda,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Agenda,
Dick Gabriel
- Request for info on PCL,
David McKelvie
- 87-003 MetaObject Protocol,
Jim Kempf
- [ Forwarding: I would like to get a copy of Common Loops.],
mittal . pa
- Kempf's Remarks,
Dick Gabriel
- gensym'd names to user function names,
Rick L Spickelmier
- Quote of the day,
Danny Bobrow
- Questions on CLOS specification,
Masayuki Ida
- Comments on CLOS specification,
Jim Kempf
- 87-002 errata,
David A . Moon
- Staticizing,
Dick Gabriel
- Glossary (enclosed),
Sonya E . Keene
- Errata and Glossary,
Dick Gabriel
- errata and glossary files,
Linda DeMichiel
- Here We Go Again,
Dick Gabriel
- changes to meta-objects,
Gregor . pa
- Re: is of type...,
Jim Kempf
- that old dinner bell ringing,
Gregor . pa
- documentation,
Gregor . pa
- new sources work in Vaxlisp,
Gregor . pa
- CommonObjects on CommonLoops,
Jim Kempf
- request for addition and info,
Steve Messick
- New Flavors in Commonloops?,
Michael van Biema
- problem with make-specializable,
ricks%ic . Berkeley . EDU
- Problem with the latest CommonLoops,
- problem with CLASS-INSTANCE-SLOTS,
Dawn MacLaughlin
- Submission for sdc-commonloops,
The devil himself
- make-specializable,
Gregor . pa
- PCL Bombing on dynamic slots,
David E. Wallace
- [no subject],
- {eris}<commonloops>: tracts of dead flesh?,
Fischer . pa
- Re: Problem compiling on LUCID LISP on the PRIME,
Gregor . pa
- [no subject],
- [ Announcement of April 10th BASS],
Masinter . pa
- clos files on [cls,lsp],
Linda DeMichiel
- :dynamic slots,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: Eliminating dynamic slots,
Jim Kempf
- copies of CLOS DRAFT specification,
Gregor . pa
- [no subject],
- bootstrap-meta-braid in lucid,
Dan Carnese
- make-instance,
Rob Pettengill
- FTP bug fixed?,
Gregor . pa
- ftp premature trucation bug,
Dan Carnese
- make-specializable in SCLISP Version 2.0.2,
Rob Pettengill
- <class>-p function,
Rick . Busdiecker
- defclass options,
Gregor . pa
- :accessor-prefix and :reader-prefix same?,
Gregor . pa
- Object creation discussion (at last!),
David A . Moon
- Object creation discussion (at last!),
Daniel L . Weinreb
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Patrick H Dussud
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Patrick H Dussud
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Patrick H Dussud
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Patrick H Dussud
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Gregor . pa
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Gregor . pa
- Re: Object Creation Discussion (at last!),
Jim Kempf
- Re: Object Creation Discussion (at last!),
Gregor . pa
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Patrick H Dussud
- Re: Object creation discussion (at last!),
Gregor . pa
- CLOS Declaration Proposal,
Jim Kempf
- (long) CLOS Declaration Proposal Text,
Jim Kempf
- "Object" System,
Jonathan L . Balgley
- PCL in Release 6,
Gregor . pa
- CL types --> classes,
Gregor . pa
- note about clos instance disjointness,
Gregor . pa
- funcallable-standard-class,
Gregor . pa
- 'with' bug,
ricks%shambhala . Berkeley . EDU
- Re: CLOS Type Cleanup,
Jim Kempf
- imminent fixes to PCL,
Gregor . pa
- [no subject],
Mike Moshell
- PCL on a TI,
Dave Brill
- Unable to deliver letter,
Postmaster at HAL . CAD . MCC . COM
- PCL 4/21 on Symbolics Genera 7,
Rob Pettengill
- accessor-prefix,
Rick L . Spickelmier
- fixed amdvi file,
Gregor . pa
- new release of PCL (4/29),
Gregor . pa
- Slots with :allocation :class or :dynamic,
Roy D'Souza
- new release of PCL 4/29 prime,
Gregor . pa
- [RCP@MCC.COM: &allow-other-keys for initialize methods in pcl],
Rob Pettengill
- Printing Objects,
Jim Kempf
- pcl-env problems,
Jim Kempf
- Pseudo-dvi documents,
Timothy . Freeman
- :after and :before methods,
Jim Kempf
- new version of excl-low,
Gregor . pa
- pcl 4/29 prime and sclisp-2.0.3,
Rob Pettengill
- Implementing PRINT-OBJECT,
Jim Kempf
- Object Printing Discussion,
Jim Kempf
- print-object,
Timothy . Freeman
- Lucid Walker can't walk labels,
Timothy . Freeman
- Keyword problem in PCL,
- optimization versus constructors,
Gregor . pa
- Why is MAKE-INSTANCE not generic?,
Jim Kempf
- Re: Why in MAKE-INSTANCE not generic?,
Jim Kempf
- [no subject],
- HP Lisp fix for low.l,
Roy D'Souza
- Incorrect CPL calculation in 4-29 Release?,
Jim Kempf
- check-super-metaclass-compatibility....,
Rick L . Spickelmier
- call-next-method bug,
Rick . Busdiecker
Jim Kempf
- initialization,
Rick . Busdiecker
- Problems with :METACLASS option,
Jim Kempf
Rob Pettengill
- Workaround for Lucid Lisp 2.0.4 bug,
Timothy . Freeman
- Lucid bug and fix for Prime CL version 1.0,
Douglas Rand
- uses of call-next-method,
Richard Fritzson
- initialize, make-instance ...,
Gregor . pa
- CLOS vs. subtypes of FLOAT,
Pavel . pa
- with-slots, :use-accessors,
Timothy . Freeman
- Re: Order of Initialization,
Jim Kempf
- Re: SETF- method names,
David A . Moon
- Metaclass Protocol,
Patrick H Dussud
- new new initialization protocol blues,
Gregor . pa
- Browsers?,
- [no subject],
Tom Hornick
- What am I doing wrong?,
Arun Welch
- bug in lucid-low of 4/29/87 Prime version of PCL,
Timothy . Freeman
- PCL & VAX Lisp,
- initform bug,
Reed Hastings
- Object creation,
David A . Moon
- defmethod-setf patch for DEC CL v2.0,
Steve Messick
- Request to Moon for Thursday's Discussion,
Dick Gabriel
- Random Thoughts Concerning Initialization,
Dick Gabriel
- generic constructor functions,
Rick . Busdiecker
- [no subject],
- Is there a substitute for define-method-combination?,
Timothy . Freeman
- ECOOP Reaction to CLOS,
Jim Kempf
- Two questions and two comments,
- ECOOP Reaction,
Dick Gabriel
- First Try at Terminology,
Dick Gabriel
- Category Errors,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Category Errors,
Jim Kempf
- Re: Category Errors,
Jim Kempf
- Re: Category Errors,
Patrick H Dussud
- Category Errors,
David A . Moon
- Re: Category Errors,
Danny Bobrow
- Category Errors,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: Category Errors,
Danny Bobrow
- Re: Category Errors,
Patrick H Dussud
- Category Errors,
Dick Gabriel
- Category Errors,
David A . Moon
- Re: Category Errors,
Danny Bobrow
- Class redefinition and class-changed.,
Patrick H Dussud
- PCL,
Donald Maffly
- Re: PCL,
Tom Kirk
- <Possible follow-ups>
- pcl,
Bill Schelter
- Re: pcl,
Richard Fritzson
- pcl,
Steven Haflich
- pcl,
Bill Schelter
- pcl,
Gregor . pa
- pcl,
Bill Schelter
- pcl,
S Mujica
- PCL,
Vijay Rajan
- pcl,
Anthony Maida
- PCL,
- PCL,
Randall D . Beer
- PCL,
Rich Simpson
- PCL,
- PCL,
- PCL,
Arthur J. Margerison
- PCL,
Jenny . Rowland
- PCL,
Jenny . Rowland
- PCL,
Al Tabayoyon
- Re: Metaclass Protocol Goals,
Jim Kempf
- null lambda-list,
Steve Messick
- random compilation,
Rick . Busdiecker
- [no subject],
James Daniell
- 'class-named' in PCL 5-22-rev3 on HP Common Lisp,
Roy D'Souza
- make-call-arguments,
Stefano Diomedi
- initialization meeting notes,
Gregor . pa
- 'Class-named',
Roy D'Souza
- Class Redefinition,
Dick Gabriel
- Technical corrections in 87-002,
- Name That Class,
David A . Moon
- Miscellaneous decisions taken or to be taken,
David A . Moon
- Partial Orderings,
Dick Gabriel
- updated documentation,
Sonya E . Keene
- TRACE Proposal (Version 1),
- Miscellenia,
Dick Gabriel
- redefinition problem,
Richard Fritzson
- OOPSLA Lisp and Object-Oriented Programming Workshop,
Gregor . pa
- Names to Objects and Compiler-environment,
Patrick H Dussud
- Agenda for September meeting,
David A . Moon
- short form of define-method-combination,
David A . Moon
- with-slots bug in xerox pcl,
Richard Fritzson
- meeting place,
Gregor . pa
- proposed syntactic cleanups in defmethod,
David A . Moon
- updated spec on SAIL,
Linda DeMichiel
- Solutions to Name/Object Mapping for Generic Functions,
- Another try on object creation,
David A . Moon
- Multiple keywords in make-instance,
Timothy . Freeman
- Name That Class!,
Dick Gabriel
- RPG's recent typo.,
Richard Mlynarik
- PCL-ENV glitch,
Richard Fritzson
Sean . Engelson
- Anonymous Generic Function Proposal (Draft 1),
Dick Gabriel
- Anonymous Generic Function Proposal (Draft 2),
Dick Gabriel
- test message 2,
Gregor . pa
- trace-method,
Richard Fritzson
- Next Release?,
- WITH-SLOTS, "virtual" slots, and the meta-object protocol,
Stanley's Tool Works
- *early-generic-functions* in file boot.l,
Dick Gabriel
- Updating Obsolete Instances,
Danny Bobrow
- User control of the CPL,
David A . Moon
- Meeting on Sept. 17-18,
- Redefining Classes,
Bobrow . pa
- DRAFT: Changing Names of Built-in classes,
Bobrow . pa
- Unbound Slots,
Bobrow . pa
- slot-missing,
Bobrow . pa
- September version of object-creation (More nits),
David A . Moon
- Terminology: Shared versus class; local versus instance,
David A . Moon
- Re: next-methods,
Masinter . pa
- Exact type,
Patrick H Dussud
- Re: fixing our problems with setf,
Patrick H Dussud
- Amendments requiring additional writing,
David A . Moon
- remove me from the list,
Eric Muehle
- Various Topics Discussed Last Week,
- key argument versus keyword argument,
Danny Bobrow
- lambda-list congruence,
David A . Moon
- Re: draft of built-in method combination types,
Patrick H Dussud
- Shared/local;class/instance,
Dick Gabriel
- Revised draft of object creation proposal,
David A . Moon
- Various Decisions,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: Issues on Dynamic Extent for CALL-NEXT-METHOD,
Gregor . pa
- Re: :accessor-prefix bug,
Gregor . pa
- load-time compilation,
Rick . Busdiecker
- Re: Status of CLOS decisions,
- Constructors,
David A . Moon
- adding side effects to defmethod?,
Rick . Busdiecker
Dick Gabriel
- Should redefining a class reinitialize shared slots?,
Dick Gabriel
- Re: next-method-p,
Danny Bobrow
- class/instance vs shared/local,
Danny Bobrow
- COERCE (not urgent),
- Can defgeneric provide defaults for &key args,
Danny Bobrow
- Shared/class;instance/local,
Dick Gabriel
- Pl delete me.,
S Sridhar
- no-applicable-method,
Gregor . pa
- comments on portions of the Oct 26 10:05 draft,
David A . Moon
- CLOS over KCL ...,
Leonid V . Belyaev
- :accessor slot option,
Gregor . pa
- Comments on chapter 2,
David A . Moon
- Comment on the chapter 2.,
Patrick H Dussud
- Comment on the chapter 2, Version of Nov 2.,
Danny Bobrow
- CLOS mailing list,
mcvax!crin . crin . fr!masini
- Issues raised by comments on chapter 2,
Dick Gabriel
- Lambda-list in Defgeneric,
Dick Gabriel
- method signatures,
Sonya E . Keene
- format for description of generic functions in chapter 2,
David A . Moon
- ambiguity in defgeneric and method descriptions,
Sonya E . Keene
- Re: lambda-list in defgeneric, generic-flet, etc.,
Danny Bobrow
- State of Affairs,
Dick Gabriel
Gregor . pa
- Chapter 1 typos.,
Patrick H Dussud
- Defgeneric affects methods?,
Dick Gabriel
- setf of class-name,
Sonya E . Keene
- Current State of CLOS Draft,
- Agenda for X3J13,
Dick Gabriel
- making gf lambda lists,
Gregor . pa
- scope of call-next-method,
Gregor . pa
- optimization in the spec,
Gregor . pa
- questions about CLOS [original subject: equality of structures],
David A . Moon
- symbol-macrolet,
Gregor . pa
- PRINT-OBJECT bug in 8/27 PCL,
- Bug in 8/27/87 Reader/Writer Dcode Generation,
- initialize-instance,
Steve Strassmann
- mop,
Gregor . pa
- <Possible follow-ups>
- MOP,
Sonya Keene
- MOP,
Harold Lehmann
- class-constant-form,
Dan Carnese
- the mop,
Gregor . pa
- MOP comments part 1.,
Gregor . pa
- [no subject],
Roberto Guerrieri
- Re: add-method when method exists,
David A . Moon
- New Class Organization for CLOS Kernel,
David A . Moon
- with-accessors,
Gregor . pa
- partial results of Cambridge meeting,
David A . Moon
- Standardizing the macroexpansion of make-method-call,
David A . Moon
- Method Combination Objects,
David A . Moon
- Re: New Specializers For CLOS,
Danny bobrow
- Inspecting Common Loops with Lucid,
James Daniell
- Chapter 3 and the Cambridge Meeting,
Dick Gabriel
- lambda congruency bug,
Rick Busdiecker
- call-method proposal,
Gregor . pa
- call-method proposal prime,
Gregor . pa
- call-method proposal prime prime,
Gregor . pa
- defmethod-setf,
Gregor . pa
- is the functi.dvi file trashed?,
Sonya E . Keene
- functi.dvi,
Linda DeMichiel
- Problem specializing default methods in PCL 1/11/88,
Rob Pettengill
- Bug in defaulted keyword arguments to setf methods,
Rob Pettengill
- Sonya's problem with functi.dvi,
David A . Moon
- bugs printing CLOS documentation,
Steve Strassmann
- DEFMETHOD Specification,
Patrick H Dussud
- method-lambda,
Gregor . pa
- Alternative Proposal for class updating,
Bobrow . pa
- Explorer patch for beta PCL,
- add-method,
Linda DeMichiel
- Edited AR 914: Want common mechanism instead of IMAGEOBJPROP, PROCESSPROP, WINDOWPROP,
Kohlsaat . pa
- Object Lisp vs CLOS in BYTE (Jan 88),
Jon L White
- some questions on your chapter 2 comments,
David A . Moon
- PCL for KCL,
- Remarks,
Dick Gabriel
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Remarks,
Gregor . pa
- functi,
Linda DeMichiel
- Re: Class organization for CLOS kernel,
Bobrow . pa
- &allow-other-keys and call-next-method bug,
Rob Pettengill
- Comments on latest draft documents,
David A . Moon
- Type-checking of slot values,
David A . Moon
- Typechecking,
Dick Gabriel
- reinitialization protocol,
Gregor . pa
- class updating protocol,
Gregor . pa
- new new version of pcl,
Gregor . pa
- Ibuki Common Lisp,
Gregor . pa
- Remarks about Comments on Latest Draft Documents,
Dick Gabriel
- Problems with PCL Beta Test version 1/28/88,
Rob Pettengill
- Problems with CommonLoops,
Dick Gabriel
- Chapter 1,
Dick Gabriel
- Chapter 2,
Linda DeMichiel
- new version of coral-low.lisp,
Gregor . pa
- NOTE-PRIVATE-PATCH can't take multiple lines,
Steve Strassmann
- Comments on most recent draft: Chap 1 and 2,
Danny Bobrow
- precompile-random-code-segments,
Gregor . pa
- Class Names (Again! Can't We Ever Stop?),
Dick Gabriel
- arglist legibility suggestion,
Steve Strassmann
- Weird bug in IF statements while using PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Scoping of init-plist in initialize,
Rob Pettengill
- Names, Names,
Dick Gabriel
- package bug in lucid-low in the newest release,
Dan Carnese
- 2 things,
Gregor . pa
- Names,
Dick Gabriel
- test message,
Gregor . pa
- PCL on LMI machines?,
- Naming,
Dick Gabriel
- performance of new PCL,
Gregor . pa
Dick Gabriel
- defgeneric :method option,
David A . Moon
- [no subject],
Joseph Verzulli
- CLOS (PCL) Compile problem,
- Defgeneric,
Dick Gabriel
- bug in 2-3-88 beta release?,
John Alan McDonald
- plse remove me from the list.,
- Loading PCL in a CL interpreter,
Ben Olasov
- Trouble compiling PCL in Lucid,
James Daniell
- Bugs in 2/4 Version with Lucid2.1,
simmons%algol . tcpip
- new version of boot.lisp,
Gregor . pa
- x3j13 draft,
Linda DeMichiel
- Fixing Lucid 2.1 Compilation Problem,
simmons%algol . tcpip
- Time to create :ACCESSORs and:READERs,
- bug in nested :around methods,
John Alan McDonald
- #+IBCL or #+KCL,
- CLOS specification,
Gregor . pa
- list administration,
Gregor . pa
- Problem during pcl:compile-pcl on 3600,
- mv *.lisp *.lsp on unix,
- proposal for european workshop on pcl/clos,
- kcl and with-slots* with-accessors*,
Ron Stanonik
Jon L White
- Questions on new CLOS document,
Scott E. Fahlman
- make-lexical-environment,
Cris Perdue
- Help running PCL under Franz,
Richard Fritzson
- 88-002 question,
Pavel . pa
- 88-002 Comment,
Pavel . pa
- Latest releases vs. Coral Lisp,
Gavin Hemphill
Dick Gabriel
- :accessor v. :type ???,
Dave Nelson
- state,
Gregor . pa
- Bug in walking setq of slot,
Michael Travers
- PCL on the Explorer,
Anton Rang
- Franz compile,
Polly Baker 2nd signon
- PCL Compile warnings in Coral CL,
Jeffrey A. Sullivan
- new version of mop,
Gregor . pa
- Small omission in Chap 2,
Richard Fritzson
- Handling of "no applicable method",
Richard Fritzson
- CLOS Consortium,
Linda G . DeMichiel
- IWMC-Class-p bug & make-specializable,
Mike Thome
- new version of mopc,
Gregor . pa
- operate-on-system,
Richard Fritzson
- Newest version of PCL & Xerox Lisp (Lyric) on 1186,
Anton Rang
- Persistent Objects,
Zachary Smith
- Bug in canonicalize-slot-specification,
- problems installing PCL in Vax Lisp,
Witold Paluszynski
- Can't compile fcl in coral lisp,
James J . Cherry
- named-structure-symbol missing scl: in 3600-low,
James J . Cherry
- that's sys:generic-function-p, not pcl:generic-function-p,
James J . Cherry
- that's cli::generic-function-p, not pcl:generic-function-p,
James J . Cherry
- Please remove me from the list...,
Larry Fitzpatrick
- Please remove my address from the list.....,
- change-class-internal bug,
- Proposed Wording Change to the Error Terminology,
Dick Gabriel
- Proposed Wording PicoChange to the Error Terminology,
Daniel L . Weinreb
- Franz SUN 3 compile of 3/17/88 pcl,
Richard Fritzson
- CLOS Status,
- Proposed Wording Change to the Error Terminology (II),
Dick Gabriel
- Error Terminology,
Dick Gabriel
- 3600 improvements, and specialized describe.,
- PCL on TI Explorers,
Daniel L. Cerys
- Some early comments on 88-003,
David A . Moon
- bug in 3-17-88 pcl, compute-effective-slotd,
Gregor . pa
- bug with defmethod documentation strings,
Gregor . pa
- D'4 Example,
Dick Gabriel
- Undefined,
Dick Gabriel
- Latest PCL on Xerox and Sun/Allegro,
Richard Fritzson
- Ch3,
- Method-lambda and apply-method-lambda,
Patrick H Dussud
- built-in-class-of,
- [no subject],
- CLOS, and slot hiding., after 1-April-88
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding.,
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding., any day now
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding.,
David A . Moon
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding.,
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding.,
Danny Bobrow
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding., any day now
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding., any day now
- Re: CLOS, and slot hiding.,
David A . Moon
- add-named-xxx,
Gregor . pa
- update-instance-structure,
Gregor . pa
- Portable macroexpansions again,
Cris Perdue
- (re)initialization revisited,
Gregor . PA
- comments from Kathy Chapman,
Gregor . pa
- Reinitialization,
Dick Gabriel
- A question,
Gavin L . Hemphill
- comments on CLOS draft 88-2, any day now
- PCL compilation error - 3600/Genera 7.1,
Rajendra Dodhiawala
- [Tom Mitchell: clos in 7.2],
- HIGH.lisp Compiling error,
- HIGH.bin load time error,
- dependent update protocol,
Gregor . pa
- lattice of kernel classes,
Sonya E . Keene
- PCL - CLOS differences,
- cboundp & symbol-class,
- iwmc-class-p bug again,
- two questions about standard-class,
Sonya E . Keene
- 3600 walk-template patch,
- Symbolics set-funcallable-instance-function bug,
Kenneth R . Anderson
- flavor problem,
- Announcing New Journal on Object-Oriented Programming,
- corrections to Chapter 1,
Sonya E . Keene
- Chapter 1 and 2 Last Chance Review,
Dan L . Pierson
- delete name,
- promises,
Sonya E . Keene
- Responses,
Dick Gabriel
- CLOS/PCL problem,
Jeffrey A. Sullivan
- Comment on CLOS,
Masayuki Ida
- CLOS comments,
David N Gray
- Method Selection Error revisited,
Jeffrey A. Sullivan
- [ Unable to deliver letter],
- Generic Function parameter list,
Jeffrey A. Sullivan
- defclass/accessor problem,
Jamie . Zawinski
- :initform and :allocation :class,
Richard L . Piazza
- ["R. Shapiro": CLOS in 7.2],
- DEADLINE for finishing 1 and 2,
Gregor . pa
- type specifiers in slot descriptors,
Paul P . Maglio
- Prettier generic function arglists,
Jamie . Zawinski
- some comments on CLOS,
Masayuki Ida
- Sun Opposition To Chapter 3 Hereby Tendered,
- Is PCL and CLOS the same thing?,
- subcommittee meeting,
Gregor . pa
- reinitialization etc,
Dick Gabriel
- Bug macroexpanding a defclass form,
- Re: defclass in CLOS & 7.2,
- X3 subcommittee meeting in June,
Jan Zubkoff
- dealing with 1+2 comments,
Gregor . pa
- editorial comments,
Gregor . pa
- "Written Responses" to CLOS 88-002: SETF Functions,
Jon L White
- "Written Responses" to CLOS 88-002: (Re)Initialization,
Jon L White
- "Written Responses" to CLOS 88-002: SYMBOL-CLASS is poorly named,
Jon L White
- belated editorial comment,
Gregor . pa
- Editorial Comments and My Disposition of Them,
Dick Gabriel
- Bug in PCL involving method lookup,
- PCL losing on TI,
Rick Busdiecker
- Flavors in Commonlisp,
- Re: check-keyword-arguments,
Danny Bobrow
- [no subject],
Patrick H Dussud
- Comments on new draft chapter 1 (dated May 13 20:53),
David A. Moon
- Comments on new draft chapter 2 (dated May 16 15:09),
David A. Moon
- class-all-default-initargs #:slot-unbound,
- mailing list,
Art Altman
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Mailing list,
Robert . Joseph
- Mailing list,
Scott Luebking
- Mailing List,
- Re: mailing list,
- Mailing List,
M V Lapolla
- Mailing List,
Mahmoud Pegah
- Re: Mailing List,
M V Lapolla
- mailing list,
Jim Palmer
- Mailing list,
I Feel Good
- mailing list,
William R Burdick
- PCL on VAXLisp Ver 2.0,
Uttam K. Sengupta
- Re: clos in 7.2,
- Keywords in make-instance?,
Timothy . Freeman
- Mlynarik's comments,
Dick Gabriel
- Comments on current state of Initialization.,
Jon L White
- define-method-combination,
David A . Moon
- More Check-Keyword-Arguments,
Dick Gabriel
- check-keyword-arguments etc.,
Linda DeMichiel
- test message 1,
Gregor . pa
- Method Objects are not Functions,
Dick Gabriel
- Callable Methods,
Dick Gabriel
- PCL in Genera 7.2,
Gregor . pa
- Problem with dynamic slots,
- pcl method cache bug,
Kim A . Barrett
- Law of good style for CLOS,
karl lieberherr
- Re: init-method in PCL,
- CLOS on Symbolics, Genera 7.2,
Francois F . Ingrand
- &aux and (call-next-method),
- comment/question...,
Curt Stevens
- PCL/CLOS running on 7.2?,
Francois F . Ingrand
- Law of Style,
Dick Gabriel
- CLOS bug,
Martin Kenner
- [David N Gray <Gray@DSG>: making structures],
Patrick H Dussud
- comments on 3/88 CLOS spec,
Kim A . Barrett
- Space and Garbage,
M . V . LaPolla
- CommonLoops Documentation,
Ralph P. Sobek
- A bug in 7debug for PCL on Symbolics 7.2,
- rel-7-2 patches need a patch!,
- [no subject],
- Compile-file environment,
Patrick H Dussud
- [no subject],
Dale E Thoms
- updates,
Michael Sokolov
- CLOS chapters 1 and 2 accepted,
Gregor . pa
Jeffrey Piazza
- Nesting and the Law,
karl lieberherr
- Law and localization,
karl lieberherr
- Law of Demeter under debate,
karl lieberherr
- CLOS Speed,
Brad . Myers
- The Law of Demeter,
John D . Berger
- which functions should be generic?,
Masinter . pa
- Law of Good Style,
Dick Gabriel
- Law,
Dick Gabriel
- New PCL user,
- Bug in intern-function-name (low.l),
- [no subject],
David Rector
- Law and documentation,
karl lieberherr
- Law/Authorship/Inline,
karl lieberherr
- Problems with 7debug in 7.2,
- A Law is a Law, Guffaw, Guffaw,
Dick Gabriel
- intern-function-name,
Richard Harris
- CLOS slot access,
Brad . Myers
- Let's take a break.,
karl lieberherr
- Request for Flavors -> CLOS,
Carl Eichenlaub
- shared slots, obsolete classes, dynamic slots,
Angela Dappert-Farquhar
- typep and defclass vs. ExCL,
Gregor . pa
- method discrimination on persistent objects,
Larry Rowe
- the weather is here, wish you were beautiful,
Gregor . pa
- *slotd-unsupplied*,
- patch for slot-value,
Angela Dappert-Farquhar
- test,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Test,
Dick Gabriel
- [no subject],
- bug fix,
Ian Horswill
- CLOS Workshop,
Gregor . pa
- defmethod does not eval eql-specializer-forms,
Ian Horswill
- object-oriented Lisp user interfaces,
William Dean
- problem with 7-7 version: setfs inside with-slots,
David A Duff
- Problem in yesterday's new PCL,
Douglas Rand
- putting CLOS objects in binfiles,
John Rose
- KCL PCL version 7/7/88,
Nat Ballou
- Clos for Symbolics version7.2,
John W . Dye Jr .
- Recursive slot specialization proposal,
oravax!polites . UUCP!hook
- Iterate macro on Symbolics,
Michael Sokolov
- Making System Functions Specializable,
- Object-oriented window systems.,
Mike Thome
- with-slots problem,
Kerry Kimbrough
- Problems with KCL version of 7/7/88 PCL ...,
Leonid V . Belyaev
- 2 loading performance problems,
- pcl does not compile in KCL,
s. mujica
- UncommonWindows,
Mike Thome
- eql specializers,
Kerry Kimbrough
- (defmethod (setf <generic>) ... ),
Kerry Kimbrough
- bug in 7/20/88 PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Bug in 7/20/88 (beta) PCL,
James Larus
- Info on Chapter 3,
David Nelson
- managing a resource of instances,
Hans Muller
- description language classes & the Meta-Object Protocol,
John Rose
- Allocating Instances,
Andreas Paepcke
- where I'm going, etc.,
Sonya E . Keene
- bug in pcl::slot-exists-p,
Aaron Larson
- shared-class demo..,
David C. Martin
- Notes on the efficiency of the new version of PCL (7/20/88 beta),
James Larus
- 7/7 bugs,
- confirmation on EQL,
Masayuki Ida
- Another expand-defmethod-internal bug,
Kerry Kimbrough
- bug in 7/20 PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Re: Other rewrites for merge-methods-into-list,
Gregor . pa
- PCL releases,
Kerry Kimbrough
- [barmar@Think.COM: MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ and SYMBOL-MACROLET interaction],
Gregor . pa
- get-setf-generic-function,
Kerry Kimbrough
- with-slots, the saga continues,
- Some typos in tthe 7/20/88 release,
- duplicate slots in permutation vectors,
- :class vs :initform,
Gregor . pa
- describe-instance,
Richard Harris
- declare in with-slots,
Gregor . pa
- 88/8/1 PCL patches,
- interactions between defclass and type specifier,
Angela Dappert-Farquhar
- RE: decalre in with-slots,
Jeffrey Piazza
- PCL environmental stuff for Xerox machines,
Arun Welch
- Where is arisia,
Michael Sokolov
- Re: update-method-inheritance,
Gregor . pa
- Re: 8-1 pcl fails to compile in Coral 1.2.1,
Gregor . pa
- Bug in walker under KCL,
- Re: 8/2/88 PCL and Allegro 3.0,
Gregor . pa
- Version of 2 August 88,
M. Schneider-Hufschmidt
- with-slots bug (still),
Michael Sokolov
- Misc. PCL patches,
LaMott Oren
- (SETF FOO) in next PCL,
Gregor . pa
- 8/3/88 version won't compile under KCL,
- macros defining declarations,
Richard Harris
- #+lispm bugs,
Vaughan Johnson
- PCL package,
Jim Salem
- (DEFMETHOD (setf foo) ... doesn't work,
Graeme Smith BBN Scotland
- Bug in vector.lisp,
David . McDonald
- 2 problems with add-lexical-functions-to-method-lambda,
- Dynamic Slots,
- who makes class-prototype,
Aaron Larson
- non-beta release,
Kurt D . Krebsbach
- iteration bug,
Kurt D . Krebsbach
- [no subject],
Kurt D . Krebsbach
- problem in initialize-instance,
- Missing Functions for HP Common Lisp,
unido!sbsvax!fb10vax . sbsvax!roman
- changes to slot access,
Gregor . pa
- Latest PCL version,
Doug Ruth
- [no subject],
Kurt D . Krebsbach
- :documentation slot option,
Daniel Cerys
- lucid port of St. Patrick's Day PCL,
Jim Hook
- STRUCTURE-CLASS metaclass,
R . Shapiro
- extra tests in built-in-class-of?,
- Defining classes for other predefined CommonLisp types,
Doug Ruth
- Making the KCL compiler recursive,
Richard Harris
- Can't get 8/2/88 pcl to compile under Allegro 1.2.1...,
Curt Stevens
- exporting standard-class,
Bruce Esrig
- recording source file names,
Jim Salem
Jim Salem
- Problem with generic function caches in EXCL (aka Allegro CL),
Frank Halasz
- VAX compilation errors,
Doug Ruth
- additions to KCL-LOW,
Richard Harris
- Changes to CLOS {was: UNDEFMETHOD},
- PCL Environment files for Envos lisp,
Arun Welch
- 8/24 PCL works in KCL,
Gregor . pa
- VAXLisp V2.1 Compilation Error,
Doug Ruth
- bug with :accessor-prefix,
Gregor . pa
- fix for allegro (excl) on sun4,
John Foderaro
- Rev 1 version of AAAI PCL,
Gregor . pa
- bugs,
Angela Dappert-Farquhar
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Bugs,
Waldemar Horwat
- A PCL browser,
- Another (major) difference,
James Larus
- Lucid Bug when compiling PCL (?),
Pawel Stefanski
- printing prototypes,
Warren Harris
Warren Harris
- slot unbound,
John Foderaro
- IGNORE on specialized parameters in methods,
- Common LISP,
- Re: Specializing methods on t with qualifiers,
Gregor . pa
- Apply fails with call-next-method,
Rob Pettengill
- symbol-macrolet-semantics, symbol-macrolet-utility,
David A . Moon
- Test message. Please delete.,
JLarson . pa
- PCL on Explorers,
Daniel Cerys
- Fairfax Meeting,
- Bug in PCL,
James Larus
- [ PCL/CommonLoops newest version],
Lois Lew
- Re: redefining methods,
- bug in all AAAI PCLs,
Gregor . pa
- call-next-method and arguments to :before and :after methods,
Frank Halasz
- Bug (and fix for same) in ALL-STD-CLASS-WRITERS-MISS,
Frank Halasz
- RE: Issue: SYMBOL-MACROLET-DECLARE (version 1),
Jeffrey Piazza
- :class slot allocation,
- PCL for Gold-Hill Common Lisp,
Wei-Han Chu
- unoptimized Slot-value and other things,
- getting a list of existing slots,
Doug Ruth
- Recording method definitions,
- metaobject protocol documentation,
Doug Ruth
- Please put me on the mailing list,
Brent Miller
- CLOS question: method combination,
Kerry Kimbrough
- :type bug?,
Doug Ruth
- PCL Genera 7.2 bugfixes,
Mike Thome
- Exports should include standard types,
- Lucid compiler barfs,
Michael Sokolov
- Yet another 7.2 patch,
Mike Thome
- One more Genera bugfix.,
Mike Thome
- Does anyone have the 3/17/88 PCL ??,
Brent Miller
- PCL on KCL,
Guillermo Ricardo Simari
- new PCL on Explorers,
Dave Brill
- Bug in class allocated slot initialization,
Eric H. Nielsen
- "incomplete" PCL definitions under Genera 7.2,
Mark D . Grover
- PCL on TI's,
John Rose
- Q about CLOS,
Brad Miller
- Yes, it is truly annoying.....,
- [no subject],
- errors compiling pcl under Symbolics 7.1,
michael sokolov
- tracing generic functions,
Warren Harris
- Re: Issue: EVAL-OTHER (Version 2),
Brad Miller
- Re: Needed: Info on LISP X based toolkits,
lanning . pa
- at least one's blooming,
Robert Scheifler
- Re: CLX and OOP,
Kerry Kimbrough
- CLOS Chapter 3,
Kerry Kimbrough
- types & record-source-file stuff,
Mike Thome
- bugs old and new,
Gregor . pa
- PCL benchmark,
Chris Burdorf
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Warren Harris
- Re: PCL benchmark,
James Larus
- Re: PCL benchmark,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Stan Lanning
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Douglas Rand
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Chris Burdorf
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Gregor . pa
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Richard Harris
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Richard Harris
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Jeff Dalton
- Re: PCL benchmark,
Stan Lanning
- CLOS, the book?,
James Rice
- Please add me,
Sam Owre
- generic-function-effective-method?,
- Workshop notes,
Arun Welch
- the availability of CLOS without FTP,
Antti Ylikoski tel +358 0 457 2704
- Re: Failed attempt to create a metaclass,
Gregor . pa
- CLOS analogue to TYPEP and SUBTYPEP,
Eric Benson
- PCL mailing list.,
- but Billy did it,
Gregor . pa
- Is PCL still portable?,
- please discontinue,
- I like to use method combination,
Jim Salem
- duplicate messages,
Wei-Han Chu
- Xerox Common Loops,
- Re: PCL/CLOS performance,
Jeff Dalton
- new addition,
Brian Antao
- method specalization on defstructs,
John W . Dye Jr .
- a request for inclusion,
Antti Ylikoski
- Addition to list,
Constantine Rasmussen - Sun ECD
- Request for Flavors subset in PCL,
- [no subject],
Warren Harris
- Please add me to this mailing list,
Wim Rijnsburger
- AAAI-pcl code walker,
John W . Dye Jr .
- some PCL patches,
Richard Harris
- Re: FTPing PCL,
Gregor . pa
- Request for public domain CLOS,
CPT Pat Vye
- Status of the PCL's metaclass implementation,
- Arisia anonymous ftp,
CommonLoops-Request . pa
- [no subject],
- [no subject],
Warren Harris
- setf generic functions,
Kerry Kimbrough
- Richard Harris' speed up's for PCL under KCL,
- PCL, CLX, and CLUE in KCL,
Richard Harris
- Symbolics carwash and MacIvory mods,
Mike Thome
- Debugging in PCL,
Dale E Thoms
- PCL 70 times slower than Ernie with 1000 cars.,
- generating cache offsets,
Richard Harris
- New book on CLOS programming?,
Marty Kent
- moderating clos mailing list,
Brian Antao
- RE: PCL isn't so bad after all (even at washing cars!),
Mike Thome
- What would a good PCL benchmark make?,
Mike Thome
- PCL on Symbolics machines,
William Clagett
- Problems getting PCL up under KCl/IBCL...,
Keith E. Bettinger
- pcl benchmarks,
- specification request [plain text],
Flash Sheridan
- MSPS-game (Re: PCL benchmark),
Masayuki Ida
- type-of under Lucid for HP-UX 6.2,
Joachim Laubsch
- method ordering,
Michael Sokolov
- Mailing list request,
Jean Pierre Schiltz
- carwash simulator,
Giuseppe Attardi
- [no subject],
- PCL by tape,
Gregor . pa
- (generic-function-pretty-arglist (symbol-function 'initialize-instance)),
- Port of PCL to TI,
Dan Larner
- CLOS timetable,
John Sotos
- How to get CLOS Workshop proceedings?,
Lawrence G Mayka +1 312 416 5166
- find-method & new pcl,
Rob Pettengill
- clos-browser, Xerox/Envos Lisp,
Arun Welch
- Missing P in Xerox-patches,
Arun Welch
- help,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- help,
Jeff Banfield
- Bug in Low.lisp,
Arun Welch
- Bug in Xerox-low.lisp,
Arun Welch
- Cute PCL in KCl,
eliot handelman
- Son of Xerox-Low.lisp,
Arun Welch
- PCL for TI Explorer,
Haruyuki Kawabe
- Bringing up a new PCL,
Arun Welch
- A few questions on PCL,
Mike Thome
- Temporary work arounds for defgeneric and defstruct specializers,
Christopher . McConnell
- Bugged new-defmacro for KCl,
eliot handelman
- Are the various "benchmark" programs available,
Michael van Biema
- Re: generic-function-pretty-arglist,
David A Duff
- carwash PCL/Flavors comparison,
- Re: new version of PCL (12/7/88),
Ralph P. Sobek
- goodbye,
Michael Sokolov
- change name in mailing list,
- CLOS lambda-list congruence,
David N Gray
- Please remove from mailing list,
The Big Cheese
- destroying classes,
Dave Brill
- Redefining Traced Generic Functions,
- Compiler Warning from MAKE-PARAMETER-REFERENCES,
- Add to mailing list,
Craig Steury
- [David E. Wallace: Re: A few questions on PCL ],
James Larus
- ignore declarations/ defmethod specialization,
- real-add-method in KCL,
- PCL bug or CLOS spec issue?,
- Installing PCL, on Coral and Lucid,
Rik Belew
- Finding "Non-applicable" Methods,
David E . Wallace
- Suggestion Sent to CommonLoops List,
David E . Wallace
- Compilation implications,
Jon L White
- Accessing,
Wei-Han Chu
- Question (complaint?) on CLOS Spec,
Mike Thome
- Re: MAKE-LOAD-FORM can handle circularities [was Compilation implications],
David N Gray
- Issue: LOAD-OBJECTS (Version 2),
David A . Moon
- CLOS/KCL - New KCL?,
- code walker -- ticl::let-if,
- I think there is a bug in the reader decoder,
- new,
John Foderaro
- Address change,
Alex S. Crain
- Bug in Xerox-Medley Dec PCL,
Arun Welch
- Hack to make the previous bug work,
Arun Welch
- *make-instance vs. make-instance,
Jacky Combs
- DEFMETHOD compile-time processing,
David N Gray
- Return value of defclass,
Dan Larner
- bug in 12/7 pcl under ibcl and kcl,
Diana Smetters
- bug in constructors in Franz,
Gregor . pa
- Has anyone redone the KCL Turbo patch for Ibuki on an IRIS?,
Christopher . McConnell
- re: (export *exports* ...),
Anthony Maida
- Omitted walker template for Coral Common Lisp 1.2.1,
Dan Rabin
- Tektronix ExCL vs PCL,
George R. Cross
- PCL under Lucid,
David Alpern
David Alpern
- defsys problem w/Medley 1.0S,
Ralph P. Sobek
- FLAVOR-Interface to PCL,
- pcl-env.lisp,
Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt
- MetaClass,
- Issue: FUNCTION-NAME (Version 1),
David A . Moon
- extension metaclass,
Jacky Combs
- :allocation of :class, ...,
Dan Larner
- "advise" in 12/7 3600-low.lisp,
Dave Brill
- editorial comments on chapter 3,
David N Gray
Jacky Combs
- classes and environments,
David N Gray
- chapter 3 comments,
David N Gray
- bug in WITH-SLOTS macro,
Jacky Combs
Sandra J Loosemore
- I/O generic functions,
David N Gray
Sandra J Loosemore
- omissions from chapter 3,
David N Gray
- design of update-instance-for-redefined-class and bug in PCL,
Angela Dappert-Farquhar
- local generic functions,
David N Gray
- Re: issue MACRO-ENVIRONMENT-EXTENT, version 1,
Sandra J Loosemore
- [no subject],
Ken Whaley
- GCLISP Version 1.01 and PCL,
Patrick D . Vye
- effective methods question,
David N Gray
David N Gray
- CLOS questions,
David N Gray
- Comments on metaobject draft 10,
David Moon
Kim A . Barrett
Kim A . Barrett
- spurious "defined twice" msgs,
Bruce Esrig
- CLOS defining macros & compilation,
Sandra J Loosemore
- remote environments,
David N Gray
- remote environments,
David A . Moon
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: remote environments,
Sandra J Loosemore
- Re: remote environments,
Danny Bobrow
- Re: remote environments,
David N Gray
- Re: remote environments,
David N Gray
- Re: remote environments,
Gregor . pa
- Re: remote environments,
Sandra J Loosemore
- Re: remote environments,
David N Gray
- Re: remote environments,
David N Gray
- Re: remote environments,
Sandra J Loosemore
- Pls. put me in the mail list,
Norman Hung-Chia Chang
- PCL on HP and Mac,
- patch to 12/7/88,
Gregor . pa
- Unable to deliver mail,
- Patches and Symbolics,
- PCL on the VAX,
Jacky Combs
- patches.text/pcl.tar.Z in arisia,
Kiuchi . pa
- Corrected VAX Fix,
Jacky Combs
- macroexpansions of the user interface macros,
David A . Moon
- OOPSLA '89,
- Failed to port PCL to VMS, DEC Common Lisp,
John Davis
- Issue: LOAD-OBJECTS (Version 3),
David A . Moon
Sandra J Loosemore
- PCL bug?,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- PCL bug?,
Mike Thome
- issue CLOS-MACRO-COMPILATION, version 1,
Sandra J Loosemore
- class FUNCTION etc.,
David N Gray
- Re: PCL bug (temp fix),
Mike Thome
- Understanding Method Combination.,
James Rice
- pcl.tar.Z on,
Kiuchi . pa
- Getting (eql <eql-specializer-form>) parameters to work,
- Bayesian Reasoning Tool (BaRT),
Guillermo Ricardo Simari
- Is it possible to use deftyped types as parameter-specializers?,
- Re: Undeliverable Mail,
Eric Silber
- allowable specializers,
- Compile Time Class Creation (was: remote environments),
- Caching bug?,
Waldemar Horwat
David N Gray
- Changing slot class,
- qualifier are non-nil-atoms bug,
- slot list,
Wilhelm Burger
- with-slots bug?,
- bug in change class of a class,
- Avoid method cache locking,
- Infinite loop bug in cache stuff,
- Specializing slot-missing,
Douglas Rand
- [kempf%Sun:COM:Xerox: CLOS Slot Subclassing Rule Violates Contravariance],
masinter . pa
- Product Loops -> PCL,
Christine Joor
- Chap 3 question: Class of allocated instances.,
David A . Moon
- check1.lisp (2/3),
kiuchi . pa
- check2.lisp (3/3),
kiuchi . pa
- checking precedence changes (1/3),
kiuchi . pa
- update-method-inheritance invalidates gf's unnecessarily,
- notice-methods-change and my lexical environment too,
- : PCL on KCL,
- new PCL; when?,
William Clagett
- problems compiling pcl in Mac Allegro Common Lisp,
- Class explosion,
Joe Konstan
- CLOS/PCL query (defgeneric, find-method etc),
Deepak Kumar
Peter Szabo
- Problems with eql method specifiers,
Andreas Girgensohn
- More persistant object stuff,
Douglas Rand
- add-slot,
- undefmethod'ing setf forms,
Daniel A Haug
- PCL distribution for MACs,
Gregor . pa
- Slot initializations when changing the class of an instance.,
- Changing the :metaclass of a class,
- Error found in using PCL in GCLISP V3.1,
- Removal from mailing list.,
- Removal from Mailing list,
Dong Ho Lee
- A couple questions about up and coming PCL features,
- How can one get a method object?,
- Note on the use of PCL in GCLISP v3.1 in IBM-PS/2,
- Difficulties with compiling PCL,
Werner Stuetzle
- Envos Medley & latest PCL,
Arun Welch
David A . Moon
- bugs in early-dfun,
Richard Harris
- Pattern matching,
Jiri Dvorak
- [no subject],
David Alpern
- editorial correction to CLOS stuff,
David A . Moon
- new Cinco de Mayo PCL,
Gregor . pa
- problems in Compiling the NEW Cinco De Mayo PCL in LUCID 3.0,
- Cinco de mayo PCL,
S. Mujica
- Sun Common Lisp 2.1.3 pcl problem,
Skip Egdorf @ Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Bug in handling forward reference class,
Ramana Rao
- Bug in Checking Initargs,
Ramana Rao
- Lucid 3.0.2 Optimization botch,
Skip Egdorf @ Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Bug in Compute-applicable-methods,
Ramana Rao
- Can't compile latest PCL on AKCL 1.122,
- Help For building PCL under KCL on Convex Cpu,
Tim Lee
- Allegro hangs while compiling Cinco de Mayo PCL,
- bug in Walker tests,
Arun Welch
- How to add a new slot-option,
- problems with PCL on Allegro 3.0.3/Tektronix,
Walter E. Gillett
- CPL and method-update bug (& fix?),
Mike Thome
- Unable to compile Cinco de Mayo PCL in Medley,
- 5/5/89 PCL on Allegro CL 3.0,
Kevin Layer
- default initargs bug with 5/5/89 PCL,
Walter E. Gillett
- runtime calls to the compiler,
Gregor . pa
- Minor mod needed to Coral %stack-block walker template patch,
Dan Rabin
- Creating new slot options,
Michael DeBellis
- Bug in Cinco de Mayo PCL,
Andreas Girgensohn
- Victoria Day PCL,
Gregor . pa
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
David N Gray
- Re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
David N Gray
- Re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
David N Gray
- Random metaclasses for CL types,
Jon L White
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
David N Gray
- Re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
David N Gray
- Re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
David N Gray
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
Dick Gabriel
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
Dick Gabriel
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
Dick Gabriel
- re: Random metaclasses for CL types,
Dick Gabriel
- [no subject],
Jukka Riekki
- PCL/Symbolics Problem,
- minor point about extract-declarations,
David A Duff
- Is the structure-class metaclass implemented?,
- Implementing parameterized classes,
- Victoria Day PCL, on AKCL 1.122, on AMDAHL UTS,
lgm%ihlpf . uucp
- Safety proclamation in "kcl-patches" is never rescinded,
lgm%ihlpf . uucp
- Victoria Day test.lisp,
Bill . Chiles
- EQL bug in Victoria Day PCL,
Gregor . pa
- The compilation ordering imposed by SETF methods,
lgm%ihlpf . uucp
- mail archive server for pcl,
Christian Rathke
- compiling braid1.lisp under IBCL,
Jean-Francois Rit
- Bug in DCODE and/or Caching.,
James Rice
- Bug in latest PCL when used w/ AKCL + 'fix',
Mike Newton
- Has defgeneric been implemented yet?,
coulman%SKSON1 . USask . CA
- FLAVOR-CLASS, and Random metaclasses for CL types,
Jon L White
- Cant compile high.lisp,
Ashok Gupta
- Supported CLOS,
Rajendra Dodhiawala
- Method Compilation Question,
Joe Konstan
- PCL Bug??,
Mike Thome
David A . Moon
- Mailing-list problem,
kiuchi . pa
- How to add slots to method objects,
Martin Boyer
- Problem compiling Victoria Day PCL,
Lawrence Hall
- recursive cache expanding bug,
- Can't compile Victoria Day PCL using AKCL,
Peter Lucas
- Re: issue CLOS-MACRO-COMPILATION, version 4,
Sandra J Loosemore
- [no subject],
David Alpern
- subtypep questions,
Brad Miller - EMD
Gregor . pa
- stuck in the middle,
Gregor . pa
- Bug in printing lexical closures (Genera),
- defconstructors,
- define-meta-class,
- [no subject],
Ashok Gupta
- Lacking exports in Victoria Day PCL,
Jim Salem
- CommonLoops mailing list,
kiuchi . pa
- Using nonstandard method-class in generic-functions,
Martin Boyer
- WANTED: CLOS Browser,
Gerd Herzog
- bug in eql-specializer methods,
Jutta Estenfeld
- I will be away,
Gregor . pa
- [no subject],
Jon L White
- pcl erroring out for some unknown reason,
- Declaration of valid initialization args. not working properly,
- How to use call-next-method with an &rest argument,
- Problems with VD PCL in Lucid 2.1.1,
Robert . Coyne
- Compute-applicable-methods not working properly in Victoria Day PCL,
- Compute-applicable-methods not working properly in Victoria Day,
- [Jeff Morrill: Recursive cache expansion bug rears its ugly head],
- Re: Singleton, default DEFMETHOD now as fast as a DEFUN?,
John D. Burger
- 2nd CLOS Workshop,
Gregor . pa
- PCL performance testing,
- DEFMETHOD with no required args?,
David N Gray
- Bug in Victoria Day PCL,
Henrik Eriksson
- call-next-method incoherency,
David A . Moon
- commonloops - CLOS Tools ?,
- IJCAI CLOS Tutorial etc.,
Gregor . pa
- Question about inherited slots,
Daniel A Haug
- Help with eql specializers,
Daniel A Haug
David N Gray
- [bane%mimsy.umd:EDU:Xerox: Funky VDPCL behavior?],
fischer . envos
- [bane%mimsy.umd:EDU:Xerox: More on funky VDPCL behavior],
fischer . envos
- [bane%mimsy.umd:EDU:Xerox: VDPCL flakiness solved],
fischer . envos
- Try this out: better UMI.,
Mike Thome
- compiling clue with victoria day pcl,
S. Mujica
- thanks,
Daniel A Haug
- bug in methods' lambda lists,
S. Mujica
- CLOS changes,
David N Gray
- MOP slot definition questions,
David N Gray
- PCL patches (Victoria Day),
Mike Thome
- Method and Generic Function internal names,
Joe Konstan
- problems with CLUE6.0 and PCL,
- metaclasses,
- More patches,
Mike Thome
- PCL compile error in Allegro 1.2.2,
- problem with arglist checking,
Walter E. Gillett
- Xerox PCL (portable common loops),
Dinh Le
- Re: Problems with PCL on Allegro CL,
Charles A. Cox
- cyclic class definition,
- [no subject],
John Casu
- compiling pcl on Coral Common Lisp,
- define-method-combination examples,
Sandra J Loosemore
David N Gray
- Declaration of valid initialization args.,
- Can't compile PCL on Sun-4 with Lucid 2.1.3,
Jiri Dvorak
- Bug in Victoria Day PCL (Lucid 3.0), using eql specializers,
Mats Johnson
- live via satellite,
Gregor . pa
- Acquiring PCL,
- CLOS specification, chap. 3,
John Sotos
- I know this isn't the right place. Where's the CLUE mailing list?,
Jordan K. Hubbard
Jordan K. Hubbard
- PCL bugs in KCL,
Christian Ammon
- bug??,
William R Burdick
- status?,
David A Duff
- Dynamically re-defining classes,
- A stab at fixing a bug in Victoria Day PCL,
- "infinite-loop" bug in Victoria Day PCL,
Jack Greenbaum
- Problems compiling 5/22/89 pcl on a Mac II,
James Gallagher
- [no subject],
Guest Login ID
- Franz Allegro 3.0.3 compilation error,
James C. Fohlin
- structure-class in pcl,
- CLOS browsers,
Robert . Coyne
- Implementation of FIND-METHOD in PCL.,
Pekka Jussila RC 910
Christian Ammon
- How do I get PCL?,
Bruce Smith
- Multiple inheritance - Using union instead of precedence list,
Martin Boyer
- where does the time go,
Gregor . pa
- Looking for an equivalent of :UNCLAIMED-MESSAGE,
lgm%ihlpf . uucp
- Lambda-list congruency bug?,
Martin Boyer
- CLOS code, PCL,
Kelvin O. Lim
- Please remove me.,
Ani C . Mech
- Victoria Day in ExCl 2.0.10,
Rick . Busdiecker
- Victoria Day PCL in Lucid 2.1,
Rick . Busdiecker
- CLOS Workshop - papers?,
lgm%ihlpf . uucp
- Draft 88-003,
DongHyeon Lee
Stephen Nicoud
- Please delete me!@,
DongHyeon Lee
David A . Moon
- evaluating CLOS performance,
Gregor . pa
- Bug in DCODE-CACHE-MISS, any fixes?,
Is Eternal Vigilance the price of Liberty? 02-Nov-1989 1204
- Please add to PCL EMail Distribution,
Peter A. Berardo (415)424-2137
- Multiple EQL specializers bug,
Martin Boyer
- Houston, we have a problem...,
- Adding to Mailing List,
I Feel Good
- Getting hold of the method object currently executed,
Martin Boyer
- problem with change-class,
Ik Su Yoo
- CLX toolkit and/or CLUE Contact "classes/libraries",
- subtypep,
- patch to victoria-day pcl,
John E. Collins
- Defgeneric and method classes (was: patch to victoria-day pcl),
Martin Boyer
lgm%ihlpf . uucp
- changes to metabraid,
Gregor . pa
- names of classes in the standard?,
Sandra J Loosemore
- VICTORIA DAY PCL on medley,
- Documentation of the Meta-object Protocol,
Kurt Normark
- RE: PCL on Mac Allegro,
- PCL on medley,
- VICTORIA DAY PCL on medley(suite),
- new user,
Ahmed Zayan
- Question about methods,
Arun Welch
- Windows...,
- function-keywords meets &rest,
Gregor . pa
- Problems compiling PCL under VAX LISP 3.0...,
Chris Willianson (Guest of Al)
- TEST message from Postmaster,
- method combinations changing,
Gregor . pa
- New release?,
Mark Interrante
- Benchmarking CLOS,
Paul Birkel
- Persistant objects,
Paul Birkel
- Compiling test.lisp,
Bill . Chiles
- PCL in Medley...,
Bj|rn Backlund
- Running PCL with AKCL,
Ron I . Herman
- Request for information about CLOS.,
- PCL under Symbolics Genera 6 ???,
Simon Leinen
- Problem compiling PCL with Ibuki Lisp,
Josh Lubell
- Classes with forward-referenced supers.,
Trent Lange
- Metaobject Protocol Usage,
Andreas Paepcke
- accessing default values in classes,
Peter N. Saurugger
- PCL compilation problem under Allegro CL 1.3.1,
Ei-ichi Osawa
- first patch,
Gregor . pa
- New PCL,
Andreas Girgensohn
- <Possible follow-ups>
- new pcl,
Jim Sanborn
- patch2.text,
Gregor . pa
- pcl 2-6-90 handling of &key,
Aaron Larson
- 2/6/90 PCL under Coral ACL 1.2.2,
Greg Anglin
- beta 2 available,
Gregor . pa
- tar file for new pcl,
Chee-Weei Tan
- 2-8-90 pcl doesn't grok :documentation,
Aaron Larson
- A bug in KCL affecting the 2/6/90 PCL,
Richard Harris
- Re: Next PCL bug,
Gregor . pa
- Defclass crash in beta 2,
Trent Lange
- Accessing PCL Directories,
- PCL enhancement for Genera (7.x: x>2),
Mike Thome
- Problems building 90's PCL in VaxLisp,
Rick Busdiecker
Gregor . pa
- Patches for Xerox lisp?,
Arun Welch
- generic-function, generic-flet, generic-labels,
Kent M Pitman
- Compiling 2/8/90 PCL beta on EnvOS Medley,
Henrik Eriksson
- Difficulty with lambda-list congruence, specifically &KEY,
- bug report,
- bug with initialized class slots,
Steve Haflich
- PCL and AKCL,
Ron I . Herman
- coral patches,
Chuck Irvine
- Slot Definitions,
Philip L . Stubblefield
- Please add me to list,
Seth Goldstein
- 90's PCL -- a very minor bug,
Steve Haflich
- 90's PCL on Lucid 4.0,
Skip Egdorf at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Re: Difficulty with lambda-list congruence...,
REEDER%kebc . icl . stc . co . uk
- Mike Thome's Enhancement for Genera,
Andreas Girgensohn
- Allegro-tailored PCL,
Arnold Smith
- no success with bitftp,
Chuck Irvine
- FTP,
- Re: [spr1113] Allegro-tailored PCL,
Sean Foderaro
- bugs in BITFTP documentation,
Gregor . pa
- Princeton bitftp service,
- important performance patch,
Gregor . pa
- Magic number 8 in Rainy Day PCL ???,
Thomas Schwab
- Possible bug/typo in Rainy Day PCL,
Gavin L . Hemphill
- a problem with "un taring".,
Chuck Irvine
- Bug in Mike Thome's Enhancement,
Andreas Girgensohn
- Proposed de facto standard subset of metaobjects,
David A . Moon
- Rainy day on XNS server,
- latest available meta object docs and rainy day correspondence,
Chuck Irvine
- number of allowabke,
- number of allowable classes,
- Re: a problem with,
Ashok Gupta
- some fixes for Rainy Day PCL,
Richard Harris
- EuroPAL Announcement,
Peter Magee
- Redefining classes in PCL.,
Pekka Jussila RC 910
- Additional fixes to Rainy Day PCL,
Richard Harris
- Re: generic fcn describe in Rainy Daay,
Gregor . pa
- [kanderso@dino: Re: Difficulty with lambda-list congruence... ],
- informal poll,
Gregor . pa
- Re: a problem with BITFTP,
- Overloading of primitive operators,
Nat Ballou
- (setf (apply #'accessor ...)),
Greg Anglin
- mail list -- add,
Petra Sommer
- Access protection,
Nat Ballou
- ANSI CL Spec,
Guy Steele
- Small enhancement for (Rainy Day) PCL under Allegro CL,
Simon Leinen
- insert classes?,
Petra Sommer
- Compilation dependencies in CLOS,
- defconstructor question,
- Shared slots, and the generality of WITH-ACCESSORS,
- Compiling RainyDay in Lucid on Apollo's,
Ashok Gupta
- Examples of Meta-Object Protocol,
- [no subject],
macintosh%nitrex . uucp
- Call for contribution: A "CLOS Report" Publication,
Andreas Paepcke
- subtypep?,
Wayne A. Christopher
- Including my name in your mailing address,
Peiya Liu
- Porting code to new PCL,
Steve Chanin
- CLOS Caches Clash,
- Re: Pre-compiling methods,
Gregor . pa
- a time for everything,
Gregor J . Kiczales
- browser,
Dave Lentz
- Subscription request,
SP1%IPG . PH . KCL . AC . UK
- Metaclass bug in Rainy Day PCL ?,
Masayuki Ida
- Re: problem/suggestion,
Gregor J . Kiczales
- hypercard for CL and cwo,
- PCL-CLOS compatibility,
Hans van Keulen
- problem with &key args in defmethod?,
Stephen L . Nicoud
- [ RE: new version of PCL],
Heinz Schmidt
- akcl port,
Heinz Schmidt
- Please remove me,
Stuart K. Card
- defsys.lisp,
Sean Foderaro
- Please remove me from this mailing list,
Leonid Frants
- remove me from the mailing list.,
- Lazy error signaling?,
Jon L White
- Please remove my name,
- Can't abbreviate built-in classes; can't write methods for PATHNAME,
Richard Lamson
- Once again - A browser?,
Skip Egdorf
- May Day PCL won't compile in HP Lucid 3.0,
Steve Strassmann
- Emmendation to MayDay, for HP's Precision Architecture,
Jon L White
- pcl install problems,
Joseph L. Robinson
- Locatives and Class slots,
Stephen L . Nicoud
- [no subject],
Rick Taube
- Third CLOS Users and Implementors Workshop,
Andreas Paepcke
- General 8 allocate-funcallable-instance-1,
- slot-method-using-class,
Christian Rathke
- sill install problems,
Joseph L. Robinson
- Why can't DEFMETHOD talk to FORWARD-REFERENCED classes?,
Jon L White
- changing &key/&rest in generic function lambda lists,
Christopher M. Maeda
- PCL problems,
Joseph L. Robinson
- add to list,
Gerhard Werner
- Introductory material on common loops,
Gerhard Werner
- MACL 1.3.2 PCL fin.lisp,
Robert L. Kirby, Ph.D.
- [no subject],
Tomas D Stein
- Installation failed for PCL on Sun-3/50... (long),
Gary Leavens
- CLOS Report Project: Status and more Contribution Opportunities,
Andreas Paepcke
- May Day PCL with KCL and AKCL,
Richard Harris
- Bugs we have found in MayDay PCL,
Richard Lamson
- Spurious warning about ignored variables fixed.,
Richard Lamson
- initargs and change-class,
Gregor J . Kiczales
- Can't load CLX after loading PCL,
Steve Strassmann
- Problems building PCL with AKCL 1-455 on HP-UX (long),
Gary Leavens
- CLUE won't compile,
Steve Strassmann
- FYI: a metaobject extension,
David A . Moon
- Re: Problems building PCL with AKCL 1-455 on HP-UX,
Gary Leavens
- A stupid question,
Gary Leavens
- Disabling compiler in PCL,
Kemi Jona
- kcl-low.lisp with gcc bug fix?,
Gary Leavens
- [rsl@MAX-FLEISCHER.ILA-SF.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM: Generic functions don't test for keyword validity.],
Richard Lamson
- [rsl@MAX-FLEISCHER.ILA-SF.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM: Please patch this into PCL],
Richard Lamson
- Problems with Victoria Day implementation of PCL,
- CLOS Browser for Xerox Medley,
- Reflection Workshop,
Gregor J . Kiczales
- Re: May Day PCL with AKCL,
- Error while compiling pcl version May 1 1990,
- Please unsubscribe <>,
William Tang
- request for binary extension,
Steve Strassmann
- May Day PCL bugs affecting instances of redefined classes,
Richard Harris
- Changing default slot values (or initforms),
Eero Simoncelli
- Assigning default slot value plus side effects?,
Marty Hall
- Suitability id CLOS,
Sheldon Ball
- suitability of CLOS for large KB,
- List of slots for object?,
Marty Hall
- request help with installing PCL on Vax and Mac,
Leo C. Noordhuizen @ Philips CFT Automation/DCC
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Clos,
Rick Duffy
- Any plans for a finalize-instance method?,
Eero Simoncelli
- EQL specializers under Genera,
Richard Lamson
- optimizations for CALL-NEXT-METHOD,
Doug Cutting
- Update on Third CLOS Users and Implementors Workshop,
Andreas Paepcke
- Problems building PCL,
Al Tabayoyon
- CommonWindows,
James Saxon
- More bugs in PCL,
Richard Lamson
- new version of Chapter 3,
Gregor Kiczales
- installing PCL under IBCL,
Hyeong-Cheol Oh
- error checking of args to CALL-NEXT-METHOD,
David A . Moon
- OOPSLA 90 Workshop Deadlines Extended,
Andreas Paepcke
Andre de Souza Mello Valente
- [no subject],
Gregor Kiczales
- call-next-method with arguments,
David A . Moon
- Creating new method combinations,
- CLOS Browser,
Ulrico Canzi - CEFRIEL, Milano, Italy
- feature? bug?,
Andrew Philpot
- Compiling PCL on Xerox,
Hans Beentjes
- predicate function in method group specifiers,
Kim A. Barrett
Kim A. Barrett
- change in list format,
Gregor Kiczales
- method caching problem w/ Allegro CL??,
Bruce Seely
- [no subject],
Prof. Vargasje
- Re: [spr1889] method caching problem w/ Allegro CL??,
Sean Foderaro
- Bingo on the Bus Error...,
James Saxon
- issues related to list change,
Gregor Kiczales
- Metaobject Protocol in MACL 2.0,
Josh Lubell
- Picasso GUI Development System Release Announcement,
Larry Rowe
- DEFMETHOD automagic references considered random,
- change to mailing list format,
Gregor Kiczales
- A request,
Fred Tusveld
- Problem with type declarations in PCL.,
Edward B. Gamble
- Comp.object.clos?,
Marty Hall
- Problem compiling pcl (5/5/90) on NeXT 1.0/Allegro Common Lisp,
Colin Allen
- Re: Problem compiling pcl (5/5/90) on NeXT 1.0/All,
Colin Allen
- A CLOS testing program and more...,
Andre de Souza Mello Valente
- comp.object.clos,
Gregor Kiczales
- Compilation of methods per class.,
Trent Lange
- comp.object.clos discussion,
Gregor Kiczales
- Possible bug in kcl-low.lsp,
- Making (CLASS-OF <class>) be EQ to <class>,
Jon L White
- method combination -- mayday PCL,
Neil Goldman
- Latest version of PCL,
m1rih00%fed . uucp
- [ optimizations for CALL-NEXT-METHOD],
Doug Cutting
- Good discussion on General OO stuff,
- PRINT-OBJECT, May-day classes & methods in same file,
- pcl to Kyoto Common Lisp,
Rolf Lindgren
- Redefinition of classes having existing instances,
Richard Harris
- patches to PCL,
Gregor Kiczales
- May Day PCL with all the patches,
Richard Harris
- specializer-direct-xxx generic functions,
Kim A. Barrett
- Re: problems compiling may-day-pcl-rev-3,
Richard Harris
- Re: CALL FOR VOTES: comp.lang.clos,
Thomas Kirk
- May Day PCL Rev 3 with ExCL on SUN4s,
Richard Harris
- compiling pcl on MACL 1.3.1,
- differences between May Day Rev II and May Day Rev 3,
Richard Harris
- patch for MACL,
- PCL/KEE problem,
markus%swg1 . uucp
- CLOS Availability,
markus%swg1 . uucp
- Readers, methods, and congruent lambda lists,
Joe Konstan
- Initialize-instance and Franz,
- comp.lang.clos NetNews Grops,
Jan K|lander
- Inspecting PCL objects in Franz.,
Stephen L Nicoud
- Re: [spr2142] Inspecting PCL objects in Franz.,
Steve Haflich
- compiling pcl with kcl and an amdahl 5860,
Colin Allen
- pcl::precompile-random-code-segments,
Chung Liu
- VOTING RESULT: comp.lang.clos,
Yasuhiko_Kiuchi . PARC
- CLOS subset on KEE availablity,
Skip Egdorf
- Sigh... a bug clos-on-kee,
Skip Egdorf
- Trouble with PCL on Franz Allegro 3.0.1beta,
Paul Fuqua
- CLOS programming style,
John Collins
- [no subject],
asood%vigyan . uucp
David D. Loeffler
- Last test message for today.,
David D. Loeffler
- CLOS for a mac.,
Dave Wargo
- CLOS Workshop '91 Organizer Volunteer?,
Andreas Paepcke
- Is a class object a valid method specializer?,
Chris Richardson
- Subscription,
- [no subject],
- [no subject],
- [no subject],
- [no subject],
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